c# - Capture keypress sequence in Windows Mobile device -

i need capture keypress sequence windows mobile device trigger duress event. if application thing running use base form event handler check keypress but... application launch browser , uses soti, must work outside of main application.

is possible create tsr application on windows mobile device can send web service messages (whilst in comms)?

i have written several keyboard hook 'applications' invoke different functions. can use socket or webservice calls: http://www.hjgode.de/wp/?s=hook , http://www.hjgode.de/wp/?s=keytoggle

    // command below tells os exe has export function can use global hook without dll __declspec(dllexport) lresult callback g_llkeyboardhookcallback(    int ncode,      // hook code    wparam wparam,  // window message (wm_keyup, wm_keydown, etc.)    lparam lparam   // pointer struct information pressed key ) {     /*    typedef struct {     dword vkcode;     dword scancode;     dword flags;     dword time;     ulong_ptr dwextrainfo;     } kbdllhookstruct, *pkbdllhookstruct;*/      // out of hooks asap; no modal dialogs or cpu-intensive processes!     // ui code should elsewhere, test/prototype app     // in limited testing, hc_action value ncode ever set in ce     static int iacton = hc_action;     static bool isshifted=false;  #ifdef debug     static tchar str[max_path]; #endif      pkbdllhookstruct pkbhdata = (pkbdllhookstruct)lparam;     //dword vkey;     if (ncode == iacton)     {     //only process unflagged keys     if (pkbhdata->flags != 0x00)         return callnexthookex(g_hinstalledllkbdhook, ncode, wparam, lparam);     //check vkcode against forbidden key list     if(pforbiddenkeylist!=null)     {         bool bforbidden=false;         int j=0;         do{             if(pforbiddenkeylist[j]==(byte)pkbhdata->vkcode)             {                 bforbidden=true;                 debugmsg(1, (l"suppressing forbidden key: 0x%0x\n",pkbhdata->vkcode));                 continue;             }             j++;         }while(!bforbidden && pforbiddenkeylist[j]!=0x00);         if(bforbidden){             return true;         }     }      short sshifted = getasynckeystate(vk_shift);     if((sshifted & 0x800) == 0x800)         isshifted = true;     else         isshifted = false;      //check , toggle shft key     //do not process shift key     if (pkbhdata->vkcode == vk_shift){         debugmsg(1, (l"ignoring vk_shift\n"));         return callnexthookex(g_hinstalledllkbdhook, ncode, wparam, lparam);     }      //################################################################     //check if actual key match key including shift state     if ((byte)pkbhdata->vkcode == (byte)szvkeyseq[imatched]){         debugmsg(1 , (l"==== char match\n"));         if (bcharshiftseq[imatched] == isshifted){             debugmsg(1 , (l"==== shift match\n"));         }         else{             debugmsg(1 , (l"==== shift not match\n"));         }     }      if( wparam == wm_keyup ){         debugmsg(1, (l"---> szvkeyseq[imatched] = 0x%02x\n", (byte)szvkeyseq[imatched]));          if ( ((byte)pkbhdata->vkcode == (byte)szvkeyseq[imatched]) && (isshifted == bcharshiftseq[imatched]) ) {              //the first match?             if(imatched==0){                 //start timer , lit led                 ledon(ledid,1);                 tid=settimer(null, 0, matchtimeout, (timerproc)timer2proc);             }             imatched++;              debugmsg(1, (l"imatched now=%i\n", imatched));             //are keys matched             if (imatched == ikeycount){                 //show modeless dialog                 debugmsg(1, (l"full match, starting ...\n"));                 postmessage(g_hwnd, wm_showmydialog, 0, 0);                 //reset match pos , stop timer                 debugmsg(1, (l"full match: reset matching\n"));                 ledon(ledid,0);                 imatched=0; //reset match pos                 killtimer(null, tid);                 //return callnexthookex(g_hinstalledllkbdhook, ncode, wparam, lparam);             }             //return -1; //do not forward key?         }         else         {             killtimer(null, tid);             ledon(ledid,0);             imatched=0; //reset match pos             debugmsg(1, (l"full match missed. reseting matching\n"));         }     } //if wparam == wm_key..     }     return callnexthookex(g_hinstalledllkbdhook, ncode, wparam, lparam); } 

looking hook example looks key sequence: http://code.google.com/p/keytoggleboot/source/browse/trunk/keytoggleboot/readme.txt?spec=svn14&r=14

there articles , posts keyboard hooks in internet (ie @ codeproject).


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