shell - ffmpeg - multiline text in metadata (comment tag) -

i use ffmpeg update metadata tags way:

ffmpeg -i "in.m4a" -acodec copy -metadata artist="artist text" -metadata comment="comment text" "out.m4a" 

well, "artist text" , "comment text" usual plain text, comment field allows put multiline text. each line must have new line character it. this:

-metadata comment="source: lastfm \r\n tags: tag1, tag2 \r\n ..." 

but characters use (\r\n, %nl%, ^n) bring no result.

i run ffmpeg.exe php script on windows using shell_exec() function

someone please, or tell me possible?...

you can powershell using `n newline , optionally `r carriage return

ffmpeg -i in.m4a -metadata comment="hello`nworld" out.m4a 

windows default shell cmd.exe may need invoke this

powershell ffmpeg -i in.m4a -metadata comment="hello`nworld" out.m4a 


 output #0, ipod, 'out.m4a':   metadata:     major_brand     : m4a     minor_version   : 512     compatible_brands: isomiso2     comment         : hello                     : world     encoder         : lavf55.1.100 


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