mysql - error in trigger creation also how to optimise it -
please tell me whats wrong code. not able fine bug
delimiter $$ create trigger update_status before update on listing_basic_new_updated each row if new.processing_status not null begin set new.rep_status = new.processing_status; end; elseif new.televeri_status not null begin set new.rep_status = new.televeri_status; end; elseif new.verification_status not null begin set new.rep_status = new.verification_status; end; end if; end$$ delimiter ;
i think you're missing begin
match end
@ end:
delimiter $$ create trigger update_status before update on listing_basic_new_updated each row begin if new.processing_status not null begin set new.rep_status = new.processing_status; end; elseif new.televeri_status not null begin set new.rep_status = new.televeri_status; end; elseif new.verification_status not null begin set new.rep_status = new.verification_status; end; end if; end$$ delimiter ;
i think might able replace of with
set new.rep_status = coalesce(new.processing_status, new.televeri_status, new.verification_status, new.rep_status);
: "returns first non-null value in list, or null if there no non-null values."
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