java - AmazonS3Client.putObject doesn't work if I call AmazonS3Client.listObjects first -
i've been trying long time solve this, without success. i'm using aws android sdk upload files aws s3, , files upload server, others doesn't. putobject instruction executed, "hangs up" , lock code execution on line.
by trying comment pieces of code find source of problem, concluded happens because call listobjects before uploads.
i can't remove listobjects because need fetch file names when app starts, , uploads take place after user selected wants upload.
i upload photos cell, 1 1.3 mb, , concludes upload in less 30 seconds. if call listobjects "hangs up". why happenning? have clue of going on? here goes few lines of code:
during android oncreate:
weather_data = new arraylist<weather>(); objectlisting objectlisting = s3client.listobjects(new listobjectsrequest().withbucketname(lista_de_baldes.get(0).getname()).withprefix("thumbs")); (s3objectsummary objectsummary : objectlisting.getobjectsummaries()) weather_data.add(new weather(r.drawable.jogo, objectsummary.getkey().replace("thumbs/", "")));
after user selected photo upload (executed during doinbackground class extends asynctask prevent main thread freezing):
file arquivo = new; putobjectrequest por = new putobjectrequest( lista_de_baldes.get(0).getname(), filepath.substring(filepath.lastindexof('/') + 1), arquivo ); s3client.putobject(por);
they ulso using same bucket, same region , same zone. objectlisting runs fine.
edit: "solved" problem setting amazons3client variable again in upload code. this:
s3client = new amazons3client( new basicawscredentials(constants.access_key_id, constants.secret_key) ); s3client.setregion(region.getregion(regions.sa_east_1));
but doesn't make sense me, because global variable. looks simples got "locked" after downloaded list of objects. have idea going on?
edit: requested, here goes more of code.
@override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); s3client = new amazons3client( new basicawscredentials(constants.access_key_id, constants.secret_key) ); //mudei de us_west_2 para sa_east_1 (south america) para acessar um bucket criado em sp/brazil s3client.setregion(region.getregion(regions.sa_east_1)); lista_de_baldes = s3client.listbuckets(); setcontentview(r.layout.main); weather_data = new arraylist<weather>(); objectlisting objectlisting = s3client.listobjects(new listobjectsrequest().withbucketname(lista_de_baldes.get(0).getname()).withprefix("thumbs")); (s3objectsummary objectsummary : objectlisting.getobjectsummaries()) { file arquivo_thumb = new file(getcachedir() + file.separator + objectsummary.getkey().replace("thumbs/", "")); weather_data.add(new weather(r.drawable.jogo, arquivo_thumb.getname().replace(".png", ".jpg"))); if(arquivo_thumb.exists()) continue; inputstream input = null; try { responseheaderoverrides override = new responseheaderoverrides(); override.setcontenttype("image/jpeg"); generatepresignedurlrequest urlrequest = new generatepresignedurlrequest( lista_de_baldes.get(0).getname(), "thumbs/" + arquivo_thumb.getname() ); urlrequest.setresponseheaders(override); url url = s3client.generatepresignedurl(urlrequest); ... }
the upload part:
protected s3taskresult doinbackground(uri... uris) { if (uris == null || uris.length != 1) { return null; } // file location of image selected. uri selectedimage = uris[0]; string[] filepathcolumn = { }; cursor cursor = getcontentresolver().query(selectedimage, filepathcolumn, null, null, null); cursor.movetofirst(); int columnindex = cursor.getcolumnindex(filepathcolumn[0]); filepath = cursor.getstring(columnindex); cursor.close(); s3taskresult result = new s3taskresult(); // put image data s3. try { // content type determined file extension. file arquivo = new; putobjectrequest por = new putobjectrequest( lista_de_baldes.get(0).getname(), filepath.substring(filepath.lastindexof('/') + 1), arquivo ); por.setcannedacl(cannedaccesscontrollist.publicread); s3client.putobject(por);
is listobjects wrapped in asynctask? wait until listobjects finishes? fyi, since honeycomb level 11, multiple asynctask instances executed sequentially default.
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