queryover - NHibernate: how to select a sorted parent/child and retrieve only specific row_numbers -

i have 2 tables: parent , child have following relation: parent has many childs.

public class parent {     public  datetime timestamp;     public  ilist<child> child; } public child {     public string name; } 

i want select both parent , child, sorted timestamp , rows between index x y.

public ilist<parent> get(datetime from, datetime to, int startrow, int count) {     queryover<parent>().where(row => row.timestamp >= from)     .and(row => row.timestamp <= to).orderby(row => row.timestamp).asc.list(); } 

i don't know how required rows.

should queryover? or better doing in hql?


i changed relation , instead of having parent , child use 1 table:

public class info {     public  datetime timestamp;     public string name; } 

in order records between dates, sorted , them index startrow startrow + count used following:

public ilist<info> getinfo (datetime fromdate, datetime todate, int startrow, int count) {     ilist<info> result =      queryover<info>()     .where(row => row.timestamp >= fromdate)     .and(row => row.timestamp <= todate)     .orderby(row => row.timestamp).asc     .skip(startrow).take(count).list();     return result; } 

the resulted sql is:

select * info timestamp >= :fromdate , timestamp <= :todate  order timestamp asc offset :startrow rows fetch next :count rows 


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