C# Font display OpenGL -
i developing 2d cad application using tao framework in windows. use fonts windows libraries display drawing information. in addition rotate scale text. bitmap fonts not this.
i went through opengl font survey [http://www.opengl.org/archives/resources/features/fontsurvey/] of them c++ based apis.
could guide me available solutions in c#?
for 3d have followed examples found relation opentk
compatible tao.framework
public void addtexture(bitmap texture, bool mipmaped) { this.tex_id = world.loadtexture(texture, mipmaped); } public void addtext(string text, color color, float x, float y, float scale) { const int side = 256; bitmap texture = new bitmap(side, side, system.drawing.imaging.pixelformat.format32bppargb); graphics g = graphics.fromimage(texture); using (brush brush = new solidbrush(color)) { g.fillrectangle(brush, new rectangle(point.empty, texture.size)); } using (font font = new font(systemfonts.dialogfont.fontfamily, 12f)) { sizef sz = g.measurestring(text, font); float f = 256 / math.max(sz.width, sz.height) * scale; g.translatetransform(256 / 2 + f * sz.width / 2, 256 / 2 - f * sz.height / 2); g.scaletransform(-f, f); using (brush brush = new solidbrush(color)) { g.drawstring(text, font, brush, 0, 0); } } addtexture(texture, true); } public static int loadtexture(bitmap texture, bool mipmaped) { int id = gl.gentexture(); gl.bindtexture(texturetarget.texture2d, id); int wt = texture.width; int ht = texture.height; gl.texparameter(texturetarget.texture2d, textureparametername.texturewraps, (int)texturewrapmode.repeat); gl.texparameter(texturetarget.texture2d, textureparametername.texturewrapt, (int)texturewrapmode.repeat); system.drawing.imaging.bitmapdata data = texture.lockbits( new rectangle(0, 0, wt, ht), system.drawing.imaging.imagelockmode.readonly, system.drawing.imaging.pixelformat.format32bppargb); gl.teximage2d(texturetarget.texture2d, 0, pixelinternalformat.rgba, wt, ht, 0, pixelformat.bgra, pixeltype.unsignedbyte, data.scan0); texture.unlockbits(data); if (mipmaped) { gl.generatemipmap(generatemipmaptarget.texture2d); gl.texparameter(texturetarget.texture2d, textureparametername.textureminfilter, (int)textureminfilter.linearmipmaplinear); } else { gl.texparameter(texturetarget.texture2d, textureparametername.textureminfilter, (int)textureminfilter.nearest); } gl.texparameter(texturetarget.texture2d, textureparametername.texturemagfilter, (int)texturemagfilter.nearest); return id; }
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