c# - SimpleInjector - how to register many implementations of a generic type with LifetimeScopeLifestyle? -

while answering this question on couldn't figure out best technique registering many implementations of generic type instance of lifetimescopelifestyle within simpleinjector.

the recommended method form of registration this:

container.registermanyforopengeneric(typeof(irepository<>),      typeof(irepository<>).assembly); 

but not allow instance of lifetimescopelifestyle passed in.

below came know it's not resilient enough checking generic interface, not irepository<>. can tell me how this?

public static void configure(container container) {     var lifetimescope = new lifetimescopelifestyle();      container.register<iunitofwork, unitofwork>(lifetimescope);      //this query needs improvement     var registrations =         type in typeof(irepository<>).assembly.getexportedtypes()         typeof(irepository).isassignablefrom(type)             && type.isclass             && !type.isabstract         service in type.getinterfaces()         service.isgenerictype         select new { service = service, implementation = type };      foreach (var registration in registrations)     {         container.register(registration.service,              registration.implementation, lifetimescope);     } } 


container.registermanyforopengeneric(     typeof(irepository<>),     lifetimescope,      typeof(irepository<>).assembly); 

first of all, query wrong. should have been:

var registrations =     type in         typeof(irepository<>).assembly.getexportedtypes()     !service.isabstract     !service.isgenerictypedefinition     @interface in type.getinterfaces()     @interface.isgenerictype     @interface.getgenerictypedefinition() ==         typeof(irepository<>)     select new { service = @interface, impl = type }; 

second, framework contains gettypestoregister method fetch these types you, excludes decorator types:

var repositorytypes =     opengenericbatchregistrationextensions.gettypestoregister(         container, typeof(irepository<>),          typeof(irepository<>).assembly);  var registrations =     type in repositorytypes     @interface in type.getinterfaces()     @interface.isgenerictype     @interface.getgenerictypedefinition() ==         typeof(irepository<>)     select new { service = @interface, impl = type }; 

but gets better, container contains overload of registermanyforopengeneric method takes callback delegate allows registration follows:

container.registermanyforopengeneric(     typeof(irepository<>),     (service, impls) =>     {         container.register(service, impls.single(),             lifetimescope);     },      typeof(irepository<>).assembly); 

but importantly, framework contains registermanyforopengeneric overloads takes in lifetime. able simplify registration following:

container.registermanyforopengeneric(     typeof(irepository<>),     lifetimescope,      typeof(irepository<>).assembly); 


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