spring mvc - Java Reflection - How to exclude interface when loading the class dynamically -
i use spring framework find class , methods , arguments dynamically.
these methods use :
public list<class> findmytypes(string basepackage) throws ioexception, classnotfoundexception { resourcepatternresolver resourcepatternresolver = new pathmatchingresourcepatternresolver(); metadatareaderfactory metadatareaderfactory = new cachingmetadatareaderfactory(resourcepatternresolver); list<class> candidates = new arraylist<class>(); string packagesearchpath = resourcepatternresolver.classpath_all_url_prefix + resolvebasepackage(basepackage) + "/" + "**/*.class"; resource[] resources = resourcepatternresolver.getresources(packagesearchpath); (resource resource : resources) { if (resource.isreadable()) { metadatareader metadatareader = metadatareaderfactory.getmetadatareader(resource); if (iscandidate(metadatareader)) { candidates.add(class.forname(metadatareader.getclassmetadata().getclassname())); } } } return candidates; } public string resolvebasepackage(string basepackage) { return classutils.convertclassnametoresourcepath(systempropertyutils.resolveplaceholders(basepackage)); } @suppresswarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public boolean iscandidate(metadatareader metadatareader) throws classnotfoundexception { try { class c = class.forname(metadatareader.getclassmetadata().getclassname()); if (c.getannotation(controller.class) != null) { return true; } } catch(throwable e){ } return false; }
i load class has got annotation @controller
. working fine want load class not interface how methods , arguments of class loaded.
edit :
this how class names , try methods name :
list classnames = hexgenclassutils.findmytypes("com.hexgen.*"); iterator<class> = classnames.iterator(); while(it.hasnext()) { class obj = it.next(); system.out.println("class :"+obj.tostring()); cls = class.forname(obj.tostring()); method[] method = cls.getmethods(); (method method2 : method) { system.out.println("method name : "+method2.togenericstring()); } // todo obj }
the problem face class com.hexgen.api.facade.hexgenwebapi
here class coming because of not able load class dynamically , following exception.
java.lang.classnotfoundexception: class com.hexgen.api.facade.hexgenwebapi
how solve it.
kindly me find solution.
best regards
class c = class.forname(metadatareader.getclassmetadata().getclassname()); if (!c.isinterface() && c.getannotation(controller.class) != null) { return true; }
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