encryption - Use preexisting RSA SSH keys to decrypt a text in C# -
i have pair of rsa public/private keys generated 'ssh-keygen' command in linux computer. there ruby application in linux computer encrypts string using public key, , want use private key decrypt string in windows c#/.net application. took @ bouncy castle libs, without success. example or tip helpful. thanks!
is there reason use ssh keys?
any rsa key suffice. need extract rsa key encrypt anything. , if key not rsa, cannot encrypt anything, dsa signature algorithm. there rfc public keys: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4716.txt not need. may understand how extract each part. should base64 encoded binary chunks.
you can try putty source http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html keygen can generate , convert keys. so, if find place extracts rsa key. use crypto library compute rsa using keys , data. correct keys, input data + padding. depends whether public or private key used ruby program. hope helps.
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