How to get number of facebook likes from an individual app? -

i've done searching , can't seem find answer this. i'd find out how many facebook likes came specific app , not overall fan page itself.

set up:

i have "fan page" company manage. company runs promotions time time , through fb app attached fan page. these apps vary in type, page tab app hosted on heroku gate.

obviously, on gate results in fan page. there way find out how many likes came specific gate / page tab app? fb insights shows "where likes came from" nothing i've found lists individual apps.

thanks in advance.

even though page_fans_by_like_source_unique can lot of metrics, there isn't 1 differentiate between tabs.

the approach i'm using, tracking on app side, saving information database, because both , unlike events refresh app iframe, new signed_request. logic 1 described by @dleavitt here



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