dojox.grid.datagrid - Dojo data grid row color change when a cell gets edited -
i need change color of rows in dojo data grid whenever editing. tried dojo.connect
, works first time after whenever hover on other cells automatically changing colors of other row.
does know solution issue?
you need following
1)css changes
.yellowishrow .dojoxgridcell { background-color: #f3f781; }
in javascript
dojo.connect(dijit.byid("grid"),"onstylerow",this,function(row){ var item = dijit.byid("grid").getitem(row.index); if (item) { var type = store.getvalue(item, editmode, null); if (type == "1") { row.customclasses += ' regstartedrow'; } dijit.byid("grid").focus.stylerow(row); dijit.byid("grid").edit.stylerow(row); });
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