class - Cake PHP custom validation rule -

i got problem custom validation rule in cake 2.x

i want check if entered zipcode valid , therefore function in class zipcode called class post.

but validation returns false time.

appmodel in class post (rule-3 it):

'deliveryarea' => array(         'rule-1' => array(             'rule' => array('between', 5, 5),             'message' => 'bitte eine fünfstellige postleitzahl eingeben'         ),         'rule-2' => array(             'rule' => 'numeric',             'message' => 'bitte nur zahlen eingeben'         ),         'rule-3' => array(             'exists' => array(                 'rule' => 'zipexists',                 'message' => 'postleitzahl existiert nicht!'             )         )     ), 

appmodel in class zipcode:

class zipcode extends appmodel {   var $name = 'zipcode';    var $validate = array(     'zipcode' => array(        'length' => array(               'rule' => array('maxlength', 5),               'message' => 'bitte einen text eingeben'           ),          'exists' => array(           'rule' => array('zipexists'),           'message' => 'postleitzahl existiert nicht!'         )     )            );    function zipexists($zipcode){      $valid = $this->find('count', array('conditions'=> array('zipcode.zipcode' =>$zipcode)));     if ($valid >= 1){       return true;     }     else{       return false;     }   } 

i hope it´s stupidly easy? in advance

i think this:

'zipcode.zipcode' =>$zipcode

...needs this:

'zipcode.zipcode' =>$zipcode['zipcode']


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