c++ - Passing a variable between callback and main -
i'm using ros c++ , after receiving data topic in void callback(), need pass data variable in int main(). i've found out far can using boost shared pointer , should use "class in program callback member function". part of code far:
double pos_z; void callback(gazebo_msgs::linkstates msgs_ls) { double pos_z = msgs_ls.pose[43].position.z pos_z = pos_z + 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ros::init(...); ros::nodehandle n; ros::subscriber ls_sub = n.subscribe("/gazebo/link_states", 10, callback); ros::serviceclient sls_client = n.serviceclient<gazebo_msgs::setlinkstate>("/gazebo/set_link_state"); gazebo_msgs::setlinkstate setlinkstate; while (ros::ok)) { setlinkstate.request.link_state.position.z = pos_z; sls_client.call(setlinkstate); }
about shared pointer: boost::shared_ptr<double> a_ptr(&a, noop_delete
auto noop_delete = [](double *){}
don't understand how implement this. mentioned class callback member function unclear me. examples show implementations using c, , don't know if can use that. thank help.
the advice given :
use "class in program callback member function"
you :
class supercoolrobot { public: supercoolrobot ():pos_z(0) { // note : provide callback (a member) + state (this) ls_sub = n.subscribe("/gazebo/link_states", 10, supercoolrobot::link_state_callback, this); } void link_state_callback(gazebo_msgs::linkstates msgs_ls) { pos_z = msgs_ls.pose[43].position.z + 1; } void run() { gazebo_msgs::setlinkstate setlinkstate; while (ros::ok)) { setlinkstate.request.link_state.position.z = pos_z; sls_client.call(setlinkstate); } } protected: // state here ros::nodehandle n; ros::subscriber ls_sub; double pos_z; };
then main :
int main(int argc, char **argv) { supercoolrobot robot; robot.run(); }
note don't know ros threw understood code. ajust of course.
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