Switch locations on google map using a dropdown -

i'm new google maps, , have map multiple markers, , want switch between them using dropdown menu.

i'm using code populate dropdown menu markers' title:

// select marker dropdown menu $("select#myselect").change(function(){        gotomarker($(this).val());  });  function makemarkerlist() {         var options = "";         $("select#myselect").empty();         (var in markers) {             options += "<option value='" + + "'>" + markers[i].map.title + "</option>";         }         $("select#myselect").html(options); } 

this have far jsfiddle

this shows dropdown menu above map, don't know how markers titles in dropdown menu.

i appreciate help.

thank you.

regarding second problem: original code, shown below, trying pass value of selected item in drop down list panto() method. however, due way you've set up, value index of markers in markers array , not latlng object. passing index panto() method generates error.

$("select#myselect").change(function(){        //gotomarker($(this).val());     map.panto($(this).val().getposition()); }); 

to fix that, index , use corresponding marker markers array:

$("select#myselect").change(function(){      var index = $(this).val();     map.panto(markers[index].position); }); 


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