iphone - Is it possible to move the uibutton to different positions without using tag values? -
here used tag values differentiate uibuttons. want move uibuttons different positions around table (like zynga poker)without using tag values? x , y positions has differ. example if write x+=100; y+=12; every time x , y positions incremented same value in round table x , y positions wont incremented same values.
with below code can move uibutton(or uiimageviews) positions using tag values code become more(means it'll occupy more memory).
i wanna distribute 35 image cards.
can provide me information regarding this?
for(int i=1 ;i<35;i++) { nslog(@"inside loop"); uibutton *btn_show=[uibutton buttonwithtype:uibuttontypecustom]; btn_show.frame=cgrectmake(190+(i/2), 20, 71, 96); btn_show.tag=i; [btn_show setimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"back.png"] forstate:uicontrolstatenormal]; [self.view addsubview:btn_show]; [self fun_animations:btn_show]; } -(void)fun_viewanimations { [uiview beginanimations:nil context:null]; [uiview setanimationbeginsfromcurrentstate:yes]; [uiview setanimationduration:0.2]; [uiview setanimationcurve:uiviewanimationcurveeaseinout]; } -(void)fun_animations:(uibutton *)button { [self fun_viewanimations]; if(button.tag==1) { [uiview setanimationdelay:1.0]; button.frame=cgrectmake(290,10, 71, 96); } if(button.tag==2) { [uiview setanimationdelay:1.2]; button.frame=cgrectmake(390,110, 71, 96); } ..... ..... [uiview commitanimations]; }
you can use array index without setting tag button.here code
- (void)viewdidload { btnarray=[[nsmutablearray alloc] init]; for(int i=1 ;i<10;i++) { nslog(@"inside loop"); uibutton *btn_show=[uibutton buttonwithtype:uibuttontyperoundedrect]; btn_show.frame=cgrectmake(190+(i/2), 20, 71, 96); [btnarray addobject:btn_show]; [btn_show setimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"back.png"] forstate:uicontrolstatenormal]; [self.view addsubview:btn_show]; [self fun_animations:btn_show]; } [super viewdidload]; // additional setup after loading view, typically nib. } -(void)fun_viewanimations { [uiview beginanimations:nil context:null]; [uiview setanimationbeginsfromcurrentstate:yes]; [uiview setanimationduration:0.2]; [uiview setanimationcurve:uiviewanimationcurveeaseinout]; } -(void)fun_animations:(uibutton *)button { [self fun_viewanimations]; int index=[btnarray indexofobject:button]; switch (index) { case 0: { [uiview setanimationdelay:1.0]; button.frame=cgrectmake(290,10, 71, 96); } break; case 1: { [uiview setanimationdelay:1.2]; button.frame=cgrectmake(390,110, 71, 96); } break; default: break; } [uiview commitanimations]; }
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