security - PBEWithSHAAnd128BitRC4 implementation in java -
i using ibm jre , want implement pbewithshaand128bitrc4 algorothm cipher alorithm should use secretkeyfactory , secretkeyspec ,below secret key supporting algos got provider.getinfo() methode ibmjce provider.
cipher algorithms : blowfish, aes, des, tripledes, pbewithmd2anddes, pbewithmd2andtripledes, pbewithmd2andrc2, pbewithmd5anddes, pbewithmd5andtripledes, pbewithmd5andrc2, pbewithsha1anddes pbewithsha1andtripledes, pbewithsha1andrc2 pbewithshaand40bitrc2, pbewithshaand128bitrc2 pbewithshaand40bitrc4, pbewithshaand128bitrc4 pbewithshaand2keytripledes, pbewithshaand3keytripledes mars, rc2, rc4, arcfour rsa, seal key agreement algorithm : diffiehellman key (pair) generator : blowfish, diffiehellman, dsa, aes, des, tripledes, hmacmd5, hmacsha1, mars, rc2, rc4, rsa, seal, arcfour algorithm parameter generator : diffiehellman, dsa algorithm parameter : blowfish, diffiehellman, aes, des, tripledes, dsa, mars, pbewithmd5anddes, rc2 key factory : diffiehellman, dsa, rsa secret key factory : blowfish, aes, des, tripledes, mars, rc2, rc4, seal, arcfour pkcs5key, pbkdf1 , pbkdf2(pkcs5derived key).
below code giving missing password exception.
decrypter(string passphrase) throws exception { secretkeyfactory factory = secretkeyfactory.getinstance("pbkdf2withhmacsha1"); keyspec spec = new pbekeyspec(passphrase.tochararray(), salt, iterationcount, keystrength); secretkey tmp = factory.generatesecret(spec); key = new secretkeyspec(tmp.getencoded(), "rc4"); dcipher = cipher.getinstance("pbewithshaand128bitrc4"); } public string encrypt(string data) throws exception { dcipher.init(cipher.encrypt_mode, key); algorithmparameters params = dcipher.getparameters(); system.out.println("getalgorithm : "+params.getalgorithm()); iv = params.getparameterspec(ivparameterspec.class).getiv(); byte[] utf8encrypteddata = dcipher.dofinal(data.getbytes()); string base64encrypteddata = new sun.misc.base64encoder().encodebuffer(utf8encrypteddata); system.out.println("iv " + new sun.misc.base64encoder().encodebuffer(iv)); system.out.println("encrypted data " + base64encrypteddata); return base64encrypteddata; } public string decrypt(string base64encrypteddata) throws exception { dcipher.init(cipher.decrypt_mode, key, new ivparameterspec(iv)); byte[] decrypteddata = new sun.misc.base64decoder().decodebuffer(base64encrypteddata); byte[] utf8 = dcipher.dofinal(decrypteddata); return new string(utf8, "utf8"); }
one more question ,which secure algorithm amoung default java provider because can not use thrid party bouncycastleprovider ?
thanks .
secure bit of moving target. secure against , how long. if encrypting transaction data has no value hour later, do. if need keep secure long time, want long key pk systems, longer better. pay price on key generation , types of stream encryptions/decryptions.
the number 1 failure of encryption systems not algorithm itself, implementation of system, how keys either generated or stored. said, blowfish , aes both regarded , when implemented should need. can't recommend highly enough. applied cryptography bit dated, 10 years or so, cogent explaination of field geared programmers. , blog wealth of information. go there , search if need more details on algorithms. won't ton of in java implementation, can here on so.
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