file upload - Android: Premature end of JPEG -
i have send server few jpeg files taken form camera. of course big file stream. code (for each file) looks follow:
struct3.put("type", "image/jpeg"); f = new file(filename); fileinputstream fis = new fileinputstream(f); bufferedinputstream bis = new bufferedinputstream(fis); byte[] buffer = new byte[(int)f.length()];; fis.close(); struct3.put("bits", buffer);
after send struct:
object[] params3 = { bid, login, pass, struct3 }; object response2 = client.send("my_function", params3);
when send small files correct, when files bigger received "out of memory exception".
my solution of compress jpeg files:
struct3.put("type", "image/jpeg"); final options opts = new options(); opts.insamplesize = 2; bitmap bitmap = bitmapfactory.decodefile(filename, opts); bytearrayoutputstream stream = new bytearrayoutputstream(); bitmap.compress(bitmap.compressformat.jpeg, 70, stream); byte[] bytearray = stream.tobytearray(); struct3.put("bits", bytearray); object[] params3 = { bid, login, pass, struct3 }; object response2 = client.send("my_function", params3);
but way produced error on server side: "premature end of jpeg file".
is there way correct jpeg file before sending it? know jpeg shoud end eoi ( 0xff, 0xfd).
how check , make corrections?
there no log cat report due photos uploaded wordpress , track warning gdlib. warning contains: "premature end of jpeg file"
although solved problem. i've implemented procedure checking if bytearray ends 0xff,0xd9 , in case not add 2 bytes:
bytearrayoutputstream stream = new bytearrayoutputstream(); bitmap.compress(bitmap.compressformat.jpeg, 70, stream); byte[] bytearray = stream.tobytearray(); int bytetosendsize = bytearray.length; boolean proper = ((bytearray[bytearray.length-2])==((byte)0xff)) && ((bytearray[bytearray.length-1])==((byte)0xd9)); if(!proper) bytetosendsize +=2; byte[] bytetosend = new byte[bytetosendsize]; (int = 0; < bytearray.length; i++) { bytetosend[i] = bytearray[i]; } if(!proper){ bytetosend[bytearray.length] = (byte) 0xff; bytetosend[bytearray.length+1] = (byte) 0xd9; } struct3.put("bits", bytetosend);
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