java - Need 2 radio button but each of them in different Composite group in SWT -

i need 2 radio button each of them in different composite group in swt. need single selection among them. please me code. (need without using swing buttongroup)

    shell shell = new shell(display);     default = new group(shell,;     default.settext("default");     default.setlayout(new rowlayout(swt.horizontal));     compbutton = new button(default,;     compbutton.settext("play against computer");     pl2button = new button(shell,;     pl2button.settext("player1 vs player2"); 

when try select radio button, both selected.i need 1 of them selected.

you can follow below approach if don't want use buttongroup

  • add selection action listener (button.addselectionlistener) both buttons
  • in action listener of first button, clear second button
  • similarly in action listener of second button, clear first button


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