c++ - unresolved link error when working with directx 11 -

i attempting create class instances directx window have initialize method , clean method have pushed .h , .cpp file , upon doing these 2 errors:

error 58 error lnk2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl d3dwindow::cleand3d(void)" (?cleand3d@d3dwindow@@qeaaxxz) referenced in function winmain c:\users\thatguy\documents\game dev\tutorial work\directx 11 tutorial\directx 11 tutorial\main.obj directx 11 tutorial

error 59 error lnk2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void cdecl d3dwindow::initd3d(struct hwnd *)" (?initd3d@d3dwindow@@qeaaxpeauhwnd__@@@z) referenced in function winmain c:\users\thatguy\documents\game dev\tutorial work\directx 11 tutorial\directx 11 tutorial\main.obj directx 11 tutorial


// include basic windows header files , direct3d header files #include <windows.h> #include <windowsx.h> #include "d3dwindow.h"  // windowproc function prototype lresult callback windowproc(hwnd hwnd, uint message, wparam wparam, lparam lparam);   // entry point windows program int winapi winmain(hinstance hinstance,                    hinstance hprevinstance,                    lpstr lpcmdline,                    int ncmdshow) {     hwnd hwnd;     wndclassex wc;      zeromemory(&wc, sizeof(wndclassex));      wc.cbsize = sizeof(wndclassex);     wc.style = cs_hredraw | cs_vredraw;     wc.lpfnwndproc = windowproc;     wc.hinstance = hinstance;     wc.hcursor = loadcursor(null, idc_arrow);     wc.hbrbackground = (hbrush)color_window;     wc.lpszclassname = "windowclass";      registerclassex(&wc);      rect wr = {0, 0, 800, 600};     adjustwindowrect(&wr, ws_overlappedwindow, false);      hwnd = createwindowex(null,                           "windowclass",                           "our first direct3d program",                           ws_overlappedwindow,                           300,                           300,                           wr.right - wr.left,                           wr.bottom - wr.top,                           null,                           null,                           hinstance,                           null);      showwindow(hwnd, ncmdshow);      d3dwindow window;      // set , initialize direct3d     window.initd3d(hwnd);      // enter main loop:      msg msg;      while(true)     {         if(peekmessage(&msg, null, 0, 0, pm_remove))         {             translatemessage(&msg);             dispatchmessage(&msg);              if(msg.message == wm_quit)                 break;         }         else         {             // run game code here             // ...             // ...         }     }      // clean directx , com     window.cleand3d();      return msg.wparam; }   // main message handler program lresult callback windowproc(hwnd hwnd, uint message, wparam wparam, lparam lparam) {     switch(message)     {         case wm_destroy:             {                 postquitmessage(0);                 return 0;             } break;     }      return defwindowproc (hwnd, message, wparam, lparam); } 


#include <windows.h> #include <d3d11.h> #include <d3dx11.h> #include <d3dx10.h>  #pragma once class d3dwindow { public:     d3dwindow(void);     ~d3dwindow(void);     void cleand3d();     void initd3d(hwnd hwnd);  }; 


#include "d3dwindow.h" #include <windows.h>  // global declarations idxgiswapchain *swapchain;             // pointer swap chain interface id3d11device *dev;                     // pointer our direct3d device interface id3d11devicecontext *devcon;           // pointer our direct3d device context  d3dwindow::d3dwindow(void) { }   d3dwindow::~d3dwindow(void) { }  // function initializes , prepares direct3d use void initd3d(hwnd hwnd) {     // create struct hold information swap chain     dxgi_swap_chain_desc scd;      // clear out struct use     zeromemory(&scd, sizeof(dxgi_swap_chain_desc));      // fill swap chain description struct     scd.buffercount = 1;                                    // 1 buffer     scd.bufferdesc.format = dxgi_format_r8g8b8a8_unorm;     // use 32-bit color     scd.bufferusage = dxgi_usage_render_target_output;      // how swap chain used     scd.outputwindow = hwnd;                                // window used     scd.sampledesc.count = 4;                               // how many multisamples     scd.windowed = true;                                    // windowed/full-screen mode      // create device, device context , swap chain using information in scd struct     d3d11createdeviceandswapchain(null,                                   d3d_driver_type_hardware,                                   null,                                   null,                                   null,                                   null,                                   d3d11_sdk_version,                                   &scd,                                   &swapchain,                                   &dev,                                   null,                                   &devcon); }   // function cleans direct3d , com void cleand3d(void) {     // close , release existing com objects     swapchain->release();     dev->release();     devcon->release(); } 

it in honesty overlooked i'm not sure why wouldn't work when works under 1 file.

thanks , help.

void initd3d(hwnd hwnd) 

should be

void d3dwindow::initd3d(hwnd hwnd) 

same cleand3d.

incidentally there doesn't seem lot of point d3dwindow class. why did decide write initd3d , cleand3d part of class? way have written have written them global functions.


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