internet explorer 8 - Pie graph drawn through Highchart not getting loaded in IE8 -
we using highchart api along javascript draw graphs in our application. in ie8 window gets hanged try open graph. don't know how fix this. in other browsers i.e. chrome,mozilla working fine.
the code goes
var chart=new highcharts.chart({ chart: { renderto: container, plotbackgroundcolor: '#ffffff', plotborderwidth: null, plotshadow: false, spacingtop: 0, spacingbottom: 0, animation: false }, title: { usehtml: true, text: licensetext, style: { color: '#000000', fontsize: '12px', textdecoration: 'underline', fontweight: 'bold' } }, plotoptions: { pie: { borderwidth: width, allowpointselect: false, cursor: 'pointer', startangle: 90, size: size, datalabels: { enabled: showlabel, crop: true } } }, series: [{ name: 'occurrences', type: 'pie', data:[] }] }); return chart;
once chart set data in chart.series[0].setdata(numericdatasecondary);
how can check object notation?
internet explorer strict object notation. please check object notation, may have kept ',' last member of object mistake according ie.
if possible please post code, know problem is.
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