ios - Gesture Recognizer never fires -

this have

uicollectionviewcontroller - uicollectionviewcell - uiscrollview - imageview

i trying handle tap on imageview never called.

uitapgesturerecognizer *tap =[[uitapgesturerecognizer alloc] initwithtarget:self action:@selector(handletap:)]; [cell.imageview addgesturerecognizer:tap];  - (void)handletap:(uitapgesturerecognizer *)recognizer  {     nslog(@"tap");     nsindexpath *indexpath = [self.collectionview indexpathforitematpoint:[recognizer locationinview:self.collectionview]]; } 

cell's imageview should allow user interaction first detect tap. make sure enable user interaction following line.

[cell.imageview setuserinteractionenabled:yes]; 


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