java - How do I start a new vaadin project in IntelliJ IDEA? -

the answer based on maven archetype approach works. update , accept answer based on using built in wizard if intellij wizard/template vaadin ever fixed.*

i managed create new project using maven archetype terminal window, , import intellij idea, configured gwt facet, when run says:

"error running unnamed: no gwt modules found in 'projectname'" 

i confess being total beginner @ java, intellij, , vaadin, not mention gwt.

i tried creating new vaadin projet using native vaadin plugin comes intellij idea (ultimate). using ultimate, it's trial.

enter image description here

update:: not see vaadin projects in new project window's list of available project templates. that's because confused two-levels-of-new-projects idea in intellij's new project wizard. sorted out now.

update2:: can follow steps either of 2 answers below , project builds doesn't run. assume right add gwt run-target, because before run menu entirely grayed out. believe grayed out because there no modules listed in modules list gwt facet.

enter image description here

i assume must create new run/debug configuration must 1 of following, , gwt made sense since vaadin based atop gwt:

enter image description here

after add gwt still same error got when started maven archetype: no gwt modules. , have no idea people talking picking drop down module...

enter image description here

update3 still unable either solution below work. stuck @ screen , unable show modules in "gwt modules load" combo box remains grayed out. believe drop down module supposed pick, nothing below tells me how un-grayed-out (enabled):

enter image description here

i managed (a) add gwt facet manually, (b) configure it, , (c) run. leads runtime error (the app not open in web browser, clear it's close working.)

here's how did this.

first create vaadin project using maven artefact.

c:\dev> mvn archetype:generate -darchetypegroupid=com.vaadin -darchetypeartifactid=vaadin-archetype-application -darchetypeversion=7.0.4 -dpackaging=war [info] scanning projects... [info] [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] building maven stub project (no pom) 1 [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] [info] >>> maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate (default-cli) @ standalone-pom >>> [info] [info] <<< maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate (default-cli) @ standalone-pom <<< [info] [info] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate (default-cli) @ standalone-pom --- [info] generating project in interactive mode [info] archetype repository missing. using 1 [com.vaadin:vaadin-archetype-application:7.0.4] found in catalog remote define value property 'groupid': : maba define value property 'artifactid': : vaadin-app define value property 'version':  1.0-snapshot: : define value property 'package':  maba: : confirm properties configuration: groupid: maba artifactid: vaadin-app version: 1.0-snapshot package: maba  y: : [info] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [info] using following parameters creating project archetype: vaadin-archetype-application:7.0.4 [info] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [info] parameter: groupid, value: maba [info] parameter: artifactid, value: vaadin-app [info] parameter: version, value: 1.0-snapshot [info] parameter: package, value: maba [info] parameter: packageinpathformat, value: maba [info] parameter: package, value: maba [info] parameter: version, value: 1.0-snapshot [info] parameter: groupid, value: maba [info] parameter: artifactid, value: vaadin-app [info] project created archetype in dir: c:\dev\vaadin-app [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] build success [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] total time: 28.122s [info] finished at: fri apr 19 08:05:49 cest 2013 [info] final memory: 12m/152m [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ c:\dev> 

then step newly created directory , run mvn install dependencies , have fresh start.

c:\dev\vaadin-app> mvn install [info] scanning projects...     ...     ------ lots of stuff going on ------     ... [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] build success [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] total time: 3:30.373s [info] finished at: fri apr 19 08:13:07 cest 2013 [info] final memory: 24m/296m [info] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

now open project pointing newly created pom.xml.

enter image description here

everything looks fine. choose configure gwt framework in green box in upper right corner.

enter image description here

now choose edit configurations... drop-down.

enter image description here

choose gwt configuration.

enter image description here

give name , choose module drop-down.

enter image description here

now have option choose gwt module load 2 options @ moment.

enter image description here

i choose run application. in case give error.

enter image description here

this seems a known error @ moment. you'll have add vaadin-client-compiler.jar classpath manually.

press project structure button in toolbar.

enter image description here

select dependencies tab vaadin-app , choose add jars or directories....

enter image description here

navigate local maven repository , find vaadin-client-compiler-<version>.jar.

on mac os , linux/unix, found at: ~/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/vaadin-client-compiler/7.0.4/...

enter image description here

press ok , ok again in project structure window.

now once again run application. no more errors.

enter image description here

now, i'm not vaadin expert here you're on own.

have fun!


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