c# 4.0 - How to convert given data into IEnumerable object using LINQ -

i have below code in c# 4, trying use linq ordering, grouping.

ilist<component> components = component.organizationalitem.organizationalitem.components(true); ienumerable<component> baggage = components.where(x => x.isbasedonschema(constants.schemas.baggageallowance.tostring()))                                            .orderby(x => x.componentvalue("name").stringvalue("code"))                                             .groupby(x => x.componentvalue("name").stringvalue("code"));  

in above sample when trying use groupby giving error, please see below:

error 1 cannot implicitly convert type 'system.collections.generic.ienumerable>' 'system.collections.generic.ienumerable'. explicit conversion exists (are missing cast?)

the result of groupby igrouping<string, component> - it's sequence of groups of components, rather 1 sequence of components. that's whole point of grouping. should fine:

ienumerable<igrouping<string, component>> baggage = ... query before ...; 

or use implicit typing:

var baggage = ...; 

you can iterate on groups:

foreach (var group in baggage) {     console.writeline("key: {0}", group.key);     foreach (var component in group)     {         ...     } } 


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