Rails Stylesheets on Heroku -
on local machine, when view rails app, stylesheets linked @ /assets/stylesheets/
on heroku, changed /stylesheets/
presumably in public
directory , not work! how stylesheets move public/stylesheets
on compilation?
file directory after rake assets:precompile
app assets stylesheets application.css application.min.css home.css home.css.scss home.min.css scaffolds.css scaffolds.css.scss scaffolds.min.css startups.css startups.css.scss public assets application-3701cb84bbc3c20d5a7ec1aac608fbdb.js application-3701cb84bbc3c20d5a7ec1aac608fbdb.js.gz application-f7ff7ad51f3528ccca1b5c7f2d5b5915.css application-f7ff7ad51f3528ccca1b5c7f2d5b5915.css.gz manifest-ad3babc6c84cc0b38f1a98eb594b8235.json rails-afd7b40a0142ed24738b640e78388de4.png
here stylesheet link in application.html.haml
stylesheet_link_tag "flat-ui", "home.min", media: "all"
gem flatui-rails
in gemfile , *= require flat-ui
in application.css
edit 2:
cleared public/assets
folder, added public/assets/*
, pushed heroku repo. during slug compilation heroku ran asset pipline , made /assets/application-b2c82b0573602f3a368a26f36b99542b.css
linked in source code of site, styles don't load , the page looking doesn't exist.
when try navigate style sheet... what?
here's application.html.haml
!!! 5 %html %head %title startupcrawler = stylesheet_link_tag "application", media: "all" = csrf_meta_tags = yield
michael, before push heroku try:
rake assets:precompile
this precompile them in public folder can served heroku. let me know if didn't work.
also, make sure following line exists in config/environments/production.rb
config.serve_static_assets = true
then of course
git push heroku master
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