Global variable sencha touch 2.1 -

hi need define global variable use in anywhere of application. declare global variable baseurl in app.js. please see below app.js

    //<debug> ext.loader.setpath({     'ext': 'touch/src',//location of sencha touch source files     'bluebutton': 'app',    }); //</debug>    ext.application({     name: 'bluebutton',//application path, classes in app. eg sensitive      views: ['main',      'bluebutton.couponmain',     'bluebutton.couponlist',     'bluebutton.couponlist2',     'bluebutton.couponlist3',      'bluebutton.transactionmain',       ],       stores : [    'bluebutton.globalvariable',      ],       models : ['bluebutton.globalvariable',     'bluebutton.memberdetail',        ],        controllers: ['main',      'bluebutton.memberlist',        ],        requires: [         'ext.messagebox',      ],      icon: {         '57': 'resources/icons/icon.png',         '72': 'resources/icons/icon~ipad.png',         '114': 'resources/icons/icon@2x.png',         '144': 'resources/icons/icon~ipad@2x.png'     },      isiconprecomposed: true,      startupimage: {         '320x460': 'resources/startup/320x460.jpg',         '640x920': 'resources/startup/640x920.png',         '768x1004': 'resources/startup/768x1004.png',         '748x1024': 'resources/startup/748x1024.png',         '1536x2008': 'resources/startup/1536x2008.png',         '1496x2048': 'resources/startup/1496x2048.png'     },       //--global value--     baseurl: '',     //--global value--        launch: function() {          // destroy #apploadingindicator element'apploadingindicator').destroy();           // initialize main view               var loginls = ext.getstore('loginls');              loginls.load();               var record =  loginls.getat(0);                if(record != undefined){                 var sessionid = record.get('sessionid');                if (sessionid !=undefined){                         var mainview = ext.getcmp("mainview");                         if(!mainview){                         mainview = ext.create('bluebutton.view.main');                         }                          ext.viewport.setactiveitem(mainview);                  }                else                {                         var loginview = ext.getcmp("loginview");                         if(!loginview){                         loginview = ext.create('bluebutton.view.login');                         }                          ext.viewport.setactiveitem(loginview);                  }             }             else{                       var loginview = ext.getcmp("loginview");                         if(!loginview){                         loginview = ext.create('bluebutton.view.login');                         }                          ext.viewport.setactiveitem(loginview);     //                        //--disable line -- //                          var mainview = ext.getcmp("mainview"); //                        if(!mainview){ //                        mainview = ext.create('bluebutton.view.main'); //                        }  //                        ext.viewport.setactiveitem(mainview);   //                         //--disable line --                     }     //        ext.create('bluebutton.view.topmenulist');      },       init: function () {         this.callparent(arguments);      },       onupdated: function() {         ext.msg.confirm(             "application update",             "this application has been updated latest version. reload now?",             function(buttonid) {                 if (buttonid === 'yes') {                     window.location.reload();                 }             }         );     } }); 


ext.define('bluebutton.model.bluebutton.couponlist', {     extend: '',     config: {         idproperty: 'couponid',         fields: [             {  name: 'couponid'  },             {  name: 'couponname'  },             {  name: 'description'  },             {  name: 'amount'  },             {  name: 'coupontype'  },              {  name: 'merchant_bbid'  },             {  name: 'sessionid'  },             {  name: 'deviceid'  },            ],          proxy: {             type: 'rest',             url: +'/webcommon/rest/bbwebservice/getcouponlist',               actionmethods: {                 create: 'post',                 read: 'get',                 update: 'put',                 destroy: 'delete'             },                         nocache: false, // rid of '_dc' url parameter                      extraparams: {                     sessionid: "1",                       merchant_bbid: "merchant1",                  },   //            timeout:1000, //            listeners: { //                exception: function(proxy, response, operation) { //                     alert("connection problem"); //                       ext.viewport.setmasked(false); // hide load screen //                        //                  } //               },              reader: {                 type: 'json',                  rootproperty: 'couponlist'              },              writer: {                 type: 'json',              },         }        }  }); 

then used basedurl in model.js. can work when use browser view. when use sencha app build testing compile apps,

i used browser open , showed me error message uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'baseurl' of undefined . idea?

when make production build, files in sencha app minified , global variables may lose context.

there several ways declare global variables in sencha app

-> 1st approach

declare global variables in util/config.js


ext.define('app.util.config', {      singleton : true,     alias : 'widget.appconfigutil',         config : {         baseurl : '',     },     constructor: function(config) {         this.initconfig(config);         this.callparent([config]);     } })   

changes in app.js

requires : [ 'app.util.config'] 

now, can use in application below.

var baseurl = app.util.config.getbaseurl(); 

2nd approach->

declare global variables in .js files before class definition

var baseurl;  ext.define('classname,{other things }); 


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