javascript - LESS — data-uri painter mixin -
i’m trying implement mixin customizing underline of text, polyfill css3 text-decoration properties: line, style, color, not supported yet browsers.
my idea perform painting proper line in canvas, convert data-uri , use background target element. problem when compiling less node.js, there no canvas in environment. technically use node-canvas perform task, don’t want make dependencies node compile less.
is there , simple alternative way paint micro-image somehow , form data-uri based on this, not engaging external libraries or dependencies?
solved: png data-generator code , demos here. it’s .png
mixin generates indexed-color png, accepts stream of bytes (string) data, 00 - transparent color, 01 - passed color.
i not sure how want implement mixin (what want mixin), maybe of can help.
first: can use javascript interpolations in javascript implementations of less, using back-ticks.
second: there solutions available drawing micro images in less ... came across blog post:
and idea here have simple gif background , change color (using embeded javascript transform r g b 64 bit base). example wavy
line efect 1 used in css text-decoration-style:wavy;
use following less code:
.wavyrgb(@r,@g,@b) { @key: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; @b64: `function(r,g,b){var key=@{key};return key.charat(((0&3)<<4)|(r>>4))+key.charat(((r&15)<<2)|(g>>6))+key.charat(g&63)+key.charat(b>>2)+key.charat(((b&3)<<4)|(255>>4))}(@{r},@{g},@{b})`; background-image: ~"url(@{b64}///yh5baeaaaealaaaaaagaamaaaihtab2lqlqaaa7)"; }
and place background image on bottom example:
.underwave { text-decoration:none; .wavyrgb(255,0,0); //red line background-repeat:repeat-x; background-position:bottom; }
the output css:
.underwave { text-decoration: none; background-image: url(); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: bottom; }
the rest css hints finalize approach:
this way positioning background-image
top or bottom, overline or underline effect. placed in of text using text-decoration-line
. if want place line in front of text, in option line-through
, need use :afetr
pseudoclass in css:
.throughwave { text-decoration: none; position:relative; } .throughwave:after { background-image: url(); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: center; }
there have been discussions on adding blinking effect ... example css animations here:
or blinking of element using jquery.
the combination of effects can achieve using multiple background images , position 1 on top, 1 on bottom example.
here threw quick demo on jsfiddle.
edit: pure less mixin (no js):
i wrote new mixin calculate base64 color less only, works in less implementations.
this less 1.4.0 solution:
.b64(@r,@g,@b) { @test: "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "+" "/" "="; @bit1: extract(@test, (floor(@r/16) + 1)); @bit2: extract(@test, (mod(@r,16)*4 + floor(@g/64) + 1)); @bit3: extract(@test, (mod(@g,64) + 1)); @bit4: extract(@test, (floor(@b/4) + 1)); @bit5: extract(@test, (mod(@b,4)*16 + 16)); b64-color: ~"@{bit1}@{bit2}@{bit3}@{bit4}@{bit5}"; }
this should work in less versions >= 1.1.6:
.b64(@r,@g,@b) { @1:"a"; @2:"b"; @3:"c"; @4:"d"; @5:"e"; @6:"f"; @7:"g"; @8:"h"; @9:"i"; @10:"j"; @11:"k"; @12:"l"; @13:"m"; @14:"n"; @15:"o"; @16:"p"; @17:"q"; @18:"r"; @19:"s"; @20:"t"; @21:"u"; @22:"v"; @23:"w"; @24:"x"; @25:"y"; @26:"z"; @27:"a"; @28:"b"; @29:"c"; @30:"d"; @31:"e"; @32:"f"; @33:"g"; @34:"h"; @35:"i"; @36:"j"; @37:"k"; @38:"l"; @39:"m"; @40:"n"; @41:"o"; @42:"p"; @43:"q"; @44:"r"; @45:"s"; @46:"t"; @47:"u"; @48:"v"; @49:"w"; @50:"x"; @51:"y"; @52:"z"; @53:0; @54:1; @55:2; @56:3; @57:4; @58:5; @59:6; @60:7; @61:8; @62:9; @63:"+"; @64:"/"; @65:"="; @modr16: @r - floor(@r/16)*16; @modg64: @g - floor(@g/64)*64; @modb4: @b - floor(@b/4)*4; @pos1: (floor(@r/16) + 1); @pos2: (@modr16*4 + floor(@g/64) + 1); @pos3: (@modg64 + 1); @pos4: (floor(@b/4) + 1); @pos5: (@modb4*16 + 16); @bit1: @@pos1; @bit2: @@pos2; @bit3: @@pos3; @bit4: @@pos4; @bit5: @@pos5; b64-color: ~"@{bit1}@{bit2}@{bit3}@{bit4}@{bit5}"; }
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