Tic Tac Toe with recursion (Python) -
i can't figure out how tie these functions hard ai, in can never lose. i'm supposed using recursion in form or fasion , these function names , contracts pre-written, filled in actual definition. googling later, can't find relates. ideas fellas?
""" state s2 *successor* of state s1 if s2 can the next state after s1 in legal game of tic tac toe. safe: state -> bool successor: state x state -> bool 1. if s over, s safe if 'x' not have 3 in row in s. 2. if o's move in s, s safe iff @ least 1 successor of s safe. 3. if x's move in s, s safe iff successors of s safe. *statelist* list of states. """ # safe: state-> bool # # state s *safe* if player 'o' can force win or tie s. def safe(s): if over(s): return not threeinrow('x',s) if turn(s)=='o': return somesafesuccessor(s) if turn(s)=='x': return allsafesuccessors(s) def threeinrow(p,s): if p == 'x': if all(t in s[0] t in (1,2,3)): return true elif all(t in s[0] t in (4,5,6)): return true elif all(t in s[0] t in (7,8,9)): return true elif all(t in s[0] t in (1,4,7)): return true elif all(t in s[0] t in (2,5,8)): return true elif all(t in s[0] t in (3,6,9)): return true elif all(t in s[0] t in (1,5,9)): return true elif all(t in s[0] t in (3,5,7)): return true else: if all(t in s[1] t in (1,2,3)): return true elif all(t in s[1] t in (4,5,6)): return true elif all(t in s[1] t in (7,8,9)): return true elif all(t in s[1] t in (1,4,7)): return true elif all(t in s[1] t in (2,5,8)): return true elif all(t in s[1] t in (3,6,9)): return true elif all(t in s[1] t in (1,5,9)): return true elif all(t in s[1] t in (3,5,7)): return true # somesafesuccessor: state -> bool # # if s state, somesafesuccessor(s) means s has # @ least 1 safe successor. def somesafesuccessor(s): flag = false # flag means have found safe successor x in successors(s): if safe(x): flag = true return flag # allsafesuccessors: state -> bool # # if s state, allsafesuccessors(s) means every # successor of s safe. def allsafesuccessors(s): flag = true x in successors(s): if not safe(x): flag = false return flag # successors: state -> statelist # # successors(s) list members of successors of s. def successors(s): statelist=[] in range(1,10): if empty(i,s): statelist.extend(s[0],s[1]+[i]) return statelist
followup on comment.
the trees visualized when describing minimax (/alpha-beta pruning) algorithm not 'real tree' in sense construct entire tree in memory. conceptual tree, result of testing every move depth first, taking note of scores @ each leaf (alpha, beta, etc) , propagating them up.
note words, depth-first. means recursive minimax-implementing function starts calling first move can make. starts calling first move can make. , on until reach maximum depth or terminal move, return. can see logic never have more boards in memory or external storage other single chain of moves being considered right (and, @ each level, you'll iterating through list of possible moves make - there's memory of how far through are, etc).
tl;dr doing depth-first minimax recursion, won't make new functions except single recursive function.
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