c++ - app -> extension crash on callback invocation -
i have marmalade extension , sample app passes c-callback function extension, happens whenever extension tries call function, crashes mysterious message:
exception type: exc_bad_access (sigsegv) exception codes: kern_invalid_address @ 0x00000008 crashed thread: 0
although, before call function print it's address , it's different , seems valid. marmalade restrictions or doing wrong?
p.s: worth notice compile marmalade extension clang (not gcc) , works fine, callbacks... although used default marmalade gcc before , had same issue.
sample app:
class cdemoapp { public: static cdemoapp* getinstance() { static cdemoapp instance; return &instance; } void setup() { app = createapp(); window = createwindow(); app->addwindow(window); view = createview("canvas"); button = createbutton(); button->seteventhandler("click", (void*)null, cdemoapp::onbutton1click); view->addchild(button); window->setchild(view); app->showwindow(window); } void run() { app->run(); } static void onsdkinit(const char* err, void* context) { printf("done.\n"); } static bool onbutton1click(void* data, cbutton* button) { if(!s3emyextdidinitialize()) { // crash happens here. // extension doesn't perform ops, calls callback dummy arguments s3emyextdoinitialize(app_id, app_secret, cdemoapp::onsdkinit, null); } return true; } private: cdemoapp() {}; private: cappptr app; cwindowptr window; cviewptr view; cbuttonptr button; }; // main entry point application int main() { if(!s3emyextavailable()) { s3edebugerrorshow(s3e_message_continue, "my extension not found"); return 0; } cdemoapp::getinstance()->setup(); cdemoapp::getinstance()->run(); return 0; }
the function s3emyextdoinitialize
exposed extension looks that:
typedef void (*my_callback)(const char* error, void* context); void s3emyextdoinitialize_platform(const char* appid, const char* appsecret, my_callback callback, void* context) { callback(null, null); }
well, apparently there's no way pass function pointer app extension directly, marmalade offers own callbacks system should utilized things work.
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