performance - Multitasking network operations android -
i want know best decision carrying out several network tasks simultaneously . scenario follows :- have several words on listview ( maximum 20 ). want search of these words simultaneously while displaying "loading" progress dialog on screen . , want operation complete fast possible .
i thinking 2 things :- i. spawning several asynctasks every request . ii. using service .
please , me make decision .
you can use executor running multitple tasks.
also check executorservice in below link
an alternative asynctask robospice. runs asynchronously.canhandle multiple spice requests. updates ui on ui thread. more details check below link
check order of execution topic
quote above link
if want parallel execution, can invoke executeonexecutor(java.util.concurrent.executor, object[]) thread_pool_executor
starting honeycomb, tasks executed on single thread avoid common application errors caused parallel execution.
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