arduino - Using GSM and GPRS at the same time -
i sending data continuously remote server using sim300 gsm/gprs modem connected arduino uno. @ same time want check if have received sms on sim card.
in setup function have configured modem gprs mode , executing at+cipsend continuously send data in main loop program. in interrupt routine want check sms notification using at+cnmi command. ok check sms notifications while modem operating in gprs mode or there clash of sms , gprs mode because interrupt modem running asynchronously along main program?
while shall not guarantee sim300 modem without errors, there should no problem checking sms while gprs traffic ongoing.
the at+cnmi
command command reporting new sms messages arrived on serial interface, local te-ta1 issue , independent of network activity (which way handles sending/receiving sms messages when there ongoing voice or data calls (circuit switched or packet switched)). have receive +cnmi ur codes on different serial interface 1 sending data though.
for more details at+cnmi
recommend 27.005 specification.
1 te: terminal equipment, e.g. pc/microprocessor. ta: terminal adapter, e.g. modem.
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