Strange CLR error while handling Nullable types in Oxygene .net -
i'm writing program in oxygene .net there seems problem how handling nullable types
namespace ruler; interface uses system, system.drawing, system.collections, system.collections.generic,, system.componentmodel; type /// <summary> /// summary description settings. /// </summary> settings = public partial class( private method settings_shown(sender: system.object; e: system.eventargs); method getlowerbound : system.nullable<double>; method setlowerbound(lowerbound:system.nullable<double>); method settings_load(sender: system.object; e: system.eventargs); method btnok_click(sender: system.object; e: system.eventargs); protected method dispose(adisposing: boolean); override; public property lowerbound : system.nullable<double> read getlowerbound write setlowerbound; constructor; end; implementation {$region construction , disposition} constructor settings; begin // // required windows form designer support // initializecomponent(); // // todo: add constructor code after initializecomponent call // end; method settings.dispose(adisposing: boolean); begin if adisposing begin if assigned(components) components.dispose(); // // todo: add custom disposition code here // end; inherited dispose(adisposing); end; {$endregion} method settings.settings_shown(sender: system.object; e: system.eventargs); begin lowerbound := system.nullable<double>(controller.configuration.lowerbound); end; method settings.getlowerbound : system.nullable<double>; begin var bound : double; if double.tryparse(txtlowerbound.text, out bound) begin result := bound; end else begin result := system.nullable<double>(nil); end; end; method settings.setlowerbound(lowerbound:system.nullable<double>); begin if lowerbound.hasvalue begin txtlowerbound.text := lowerbound.value.tostring; end else begin txtlowerbound.text := ''; end; end; method settings.settings_load(sender: system.object; e: system.eventargs); begin end; method settings.btnok_click(sender: system.object; e: system.eventargs); begin var lb : system.nullable<double> := self.getlowerbound; if lb.hasvalue begin controller.configuration.lowerbound := lb.value; end; end; end.
when click button firing btnok_click event strange error message
the runtime has encountered fatal error. address of error @ 0x691886da, on thread 0x770. error code 0xc0000005. error may bug in clr or in unsafe or non-verifiable portions of user code. common sources of bug include user marshaling errors com-interop or pinvoke, may corrupt stack.
fwiw, suggest using oxygene's built in "nullable" language feature, works m uch more transparent , intuitively system.nullable. e.g:
method settings.getlowerbound : nullable double; begin var bound : double; if double.tryparse(txtlowerbound.text, out bound) begin result := bound; end else begin result := nil; end; end;
regardless, getting "the runtime has encountered fatal error." indicative of compiler error. log issue on our side testcase.
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