joomla - Alternative layout is applied to an article but not the other -

i'm using joomla 3.x , create article override. works fine articles. when apply article, inside single article menu item, not work.


here entire override file:

<?php /**  * @package  * @subpackage  com_content  *  * @copyright   copyright (c) 2005 - 2013 open source matters, inc. rights reserved.  * @license     gnu general public license version 2 or later; see license.txt  */  defined('_jexec') or die;  jhtml::addincludepath(jpath_component . '/helpers');  // create shortcuts parameters. $params  = $this->item->params; $images  = json_decode($this->item->images); $urls    = json_decode($this->item->urls); $canedit = $params->get('access-edit'); $user    = jfactory::getuser(); $info    = $params->get('info_block_position', 0); jhtml::_('behavior.caption');  ?> <div class="item-page<?php echo $this->pageclass_sfx?>">     <?php if ($this->params->get('show_page_heading') && $params->get('show_title')) : ?>     <div class="page-header">         <h1> <?php echo $this->escape($this->params->get('page_heading')); ?> </h1>     </div>     <?php endif; if (!empty($this->item->pagination) && $this->item->pagination && !$this->item->paginationposition && $this->item->paginationrelative) {     echo $this->item->pagination; } ?>     <?php if ($params->get('show_title') || $params->get('show_author')) : ?>     <div class="page-header">         <h2>             <?php if ($this->item->state == 0) : ?>                 <span class="label label-warning"><?php echo jtext::_('junpublished'); ?></span>             <?php endif; ?>             <?php if ($params->get('show_title')) : ?>                 <?php if ($params->get('link_titles') && !empty($this->item->readmore_link)) : ?>                     <a href="<?php echo $this->item->readmore_link; ?>"> <?php echo $this->escape($this->item->title); ?></a>                 <?php else : ?>                     <?php echo $this->escape($this->item->title); ?>                 <?php endif; ?>             <?php endif; ?>         </h2>         <p class="date-created"><?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_created_date_on', jhtml::_('date', $this->item->created, jtext::_('date_format_lc3'))); ?></p>     </div>     <?php endif; ?>     <?php if (!$this->print) : ?>         <?php if ($canedit || $params->get('show_print_icon') || $params->get('show_email_icon')) : ?>         <div class="btn-group pull-right">             <a class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#"> <span class="icon-cog"></span> <span class="caret"></span> </a>             <?php // note actions class deprecated. use dropdown-menu instead. ?>             <ul class="dropdown-menu actions">                 <?php if ($params->get('show_print_icon')) : ?>                 <li class="print-icon"> <?php echo jhtml::_('icon.print_popup', $this->item, $params); ?> </li>                 <?php endif; ?>                 <?php if ($params->get('show_email_icon')) : ?>                 <li class="email-icon"> <?php echo jhtml::_('', $this->item, $params); ?> </li>                 <?php endif; ?>                 <?php if ($canedit) : ?>                 <li class="edit-icon"> <?php echo jhtml::_('icon.edit', $this->item, $params); ?> </li>                 <?php endif; ?>             </ul>         </div>         <?php endif; ?>         <?php else : ?>         <div class="pull-right">         <?php echo jhtml::_('icon.print_screen', $this->item, $params); ?>         </div>     <?php endif; ?> <?php $usedeflist = ($params->get('show_modify_date') || $params->get('show_publish_date') || $params->get('show_create_date')     || $params->get('show_hits') || $params->get('show_category') || $params->get('show_parent_category') || $params->get('show_author')); ?>     <?php if ($usedeflist && ($info == 0 || $info == 2)) : ?>         <div class="article-info muted">             <dl class="article-info">             <!--<dt class="article-info-term"><?php echo jtext::_('com_content_article_info'); ?></dt>-->              <?php if ($params->get('show_author') && !empty($this->item->author )) : ?>                 <dd class="createdby">                     <?php $author = $this->item->created_by_alias ? $this->item->created_by_alias : $this->item->author; ?>                     <?php if (!empty($this->item->contactid) && $params->get('link_author') == true) : ?>                         <?php                         $needle = 'index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=' . $this->item->contactid;                         $menu = jfactory::getapplication()->getmenu();                         $item = $menu->getitems('link', $needle, true);                         $cntlink = !empty($item) ? $needle . '&itemid=' . $item->id : $needle;                         ?>                         <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_written_by', jhtml::_('link', jroute::_($cntlink), $author)); ?>                     <?php else: ?>                         <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_written_by', $author); ?>                     <?php endif; ?>                 </dd>             <?php endif; ?>             <?php if ($params->get('show_parent_category') && !empty($this->item->parent_slug)) : ?>                 <dd class="parent-category-name">                     <?php $title = $this->escape($this->item->parent_title);                     $url = '<a href="'.jroute::_(contenthelperroute::getcategoryroute($this->item->parent_slug)).'">'.$title.'</a>';?>                     <?php if ($params->get('link_parent_category') && !empty($this->item->parent_slug)) : ?>                         <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_parent', $url); ?>                     <?php else : ?>                         <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_parent', $title); ?>                     <?php endif; ?>                 </dd>             <?php endif; ?>             <?php if ($params->get('show_category')) : ?>                 <dd class="category-name">                     <?php $title = $this->escape($this->item->category_title);                     $url = '<a href="' . jroute::_(contenthelperroute::getcategoryroute($this->item->catslug)) . '">' . $title . '</a>';?>                     <?php if ($params->get('link_category') && $this->item->catslug) : ?>                         <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_category', $url); ?>                     <?php else : ?>                         <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_category', $title); ?>                     <?php endif; ?>                 </dd>             <?php endif; ?>              <?php if ($params->get('show_publish_date')) : ?>                 <dd class="published">                     <!--<span class="icon-calendar"></span>--> <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_published_date_on', jhtml::_('date', $this->item->publish_up, jtext::_('date_format_lc3'))); ?>                 </dd>             <?php endif; ?>              <?php if ($info == 0) : ?>                 <?php if ($params->get('show_modify_date')) : ?>                     <dd class="modified">                         <!--<span class="icon-calendar"></span>--> <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_last_updated', jhtml::_('date', $this->item->modified, jtext::_('date_format_lc3'))); ?>                     </dd>                 <?php endif; ?>                 <?php if ($params->get('show_create_date')) : ?>                     <dd class="create">                         <!--<span class="icon-calendar"></span>--> <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_created_date_on', jhtml::_('date', $this->item->created, jtext::_('date_format_lc3'))); ?>                     </dd>                 <?php endif; ?>                  <?php if ($params->get('show_hits')) : ?>                     <dd class="hits">                         <span class="icon-eye-open"></span> <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_article_hits', $this->item->hits); ?>                     </dd>                 <?php endif; ?>             <?php endif; ?>             </dl>         </div>     <?php endif; ?>      <?php if (!$params->get('show_intro')) : echo $this->item->event->afterdisplaytitle; endif; ?>     <?php echo $this->item->event->beforedisplaycontent; ?>      <?php if (isset($urls) && ((!empty($urls->urls_position) && ($urls->urls_position == '0')) || ($params->get('urls_position') == '0' && empty($urls->urls_position)))         || (empty($urls->urls_position) && (!$params->get('urls_position')))) : ?>     <?php echo $this->loadtemplate('links'); ?>     <?php endif; ?>     <?php if ($params->get('access-view')):?>     <?php if (isset($images->image_fulltext) && !empty($images->image_fulltext)) : ?>     <?php $imgfloat = (empty($images->float_fulltext)) ? $params->get('float_fulltext') : $images->float_fulltext; ?>     <div class="pull-<?php echo htmlspecialchars($imgfloat); ?> item-image"> <img     <?php if ($images->image_fulltext_caption):         echo 'class="caption"'.' title="' .htmlspecialchars($images->image_fulltext_caption) . '"';     endif; ?>     src="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($images->image_fulltext); ?>" alt="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($images->image_fulltext_alt); ?>"/> </div>     <?php endif; ?>     <?php     if (!empty($this->item->pagination) && $this->item->pagination && !$this->item->paginationposition && !$this->item->paginationrelative):         echo $this->item->pagination;     endif;     ?>     <?php if (isset ($this->item->toc)) :         echo $this->item->toc;     endif; ?>     <div class="article-text"><?php echo $this->item->text; ?></div>      <?php if ($usedeflist && ($info == 1 || $info == 2)) : ?>         <div class="article-info muted">             <dl class="article-info">             <!--<dt class="article-info-term"><?php echo jtext::_('com_content_article_info'); ?></dt>-->              <?php if ($info == 1) : ?>                 <?php if ($params->get('show_author') && !empty($this->item->author )) : ?>                     <dd class="createdby">                         <?php $author = $this->item->created_by_alias ? $this->item->created_by_alias : $this->item->author; ?>                         <?php if (!empty($this->item->contactid) && $params->get('link_author') == true) : ?>                         <?php                         $needle = 'index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=' . $this->item->contactid;                         $menu = jfactory::getapplication()->getmenu();                         $item = $menu->getitems('link', $needle, true);                         $cntlink = !empty($item) ? $needle . '&itemid=' . $item->id : $needle;                         ?>                         <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_written_by', jhtml::_('link', jroute::_($cntlink), $author)); ?>                         <?php else: ?>                         <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_written_by', $author); ?>                         <?php endif; ?>                     </dd>                 <?php endif; ?>                 <?php if ($params->get('show_parent_category') && !empty($this->item->parent_slug)) : ?>                     <dd class="parent-category-name">                         <?php   $title = $this->escape($this->item->parent_title);                         $url = '<a href="' . jroute::_(contenthelperroute::getcategoryroute($this->item->parent_slug)) . '">' . $title . '</a>';?>                         <?php if ($params->get('link_parent_category') && $this->item->parent_slug) : ?>                             <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_parent', $url); ?>                         <?php else : ?>                             <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_parent', $title); ?>                         <?php endif; ?>                     </dd>                 <?php endif; ?>                 <?php if ($params->get('show_category')) : ?>                     <dd class="category-name">                         <?php   $title = $this->escape($this->item->category_title);                         $url = '<a href="' . jroute::_(contenthelperroute::getcategoryroute($this->item->catslug)) . '">' . $title . '</a>';?>                         <?php if ($params->get('link_category') && $this->item->catslug) : ?>                             <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_category', $url); ?>                         <?php else : ?>                             <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_category', $title); ?>                         <?php endif; ?>                     </dd>                 <?php endif; ?>                 <?php if ($params->get('show_publish_date')) : ?>                     <dd class="published">                         <!--<!--<span class="icon-calendar"></span>-->-->                         <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_published_date_on', jhtml::_('date', $this->item->publish_up, jtext::_('date_format_lc3'))); ?>                     </dd>                 <?php endif; ?>             <?php endif; ?>              <?php if ($params->get('show_create_date')) : ?>                 <dd class="create">                     <!--<!--<span class="icon-calendar"></span>-->-->                     <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_created_date_on', jhtml::_('date', $this->item->modified, jtext::_('date_format_lc3'))); ?>                 </dd>             <?php endif; ?>             <?php if ($params->get('show_modify_date')) : ?>                 <dd class="modified">                     <!--<span class="icon-calendar"></span>-->                     <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_last_updated', jhtml::_('date', $this->item->modified, jtext::_('date_format_lc3'))); ?>                 </dd>             <?php endif; ?>             <?php if ($params->get('show_hits')) : ?>                 <dd class="hits">                     <span class="icon-eye-open"></span> <?php echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_article_hits', $this->item->hits); ?>                 </dd>             <?php endif; ?>             </dl>         </div>     <?php endif; ?>      <?php if (!empty($this->item->pagination) && $this->item->pagination && $this->item->paginationposition && !$this->item->paginationrelative):     echo $this->item->pagination; ?>     <?php endif; ?>     <?php if (isset($urls) && ((!empty($urls->urls_position) && ($urls->urls_position == '1')) || ($params->get('urls_position') == '1'))) : ?>     <?php echo $this->loadtemplate('links'); ?>     <?php endif; ?>     <?php //optional teaser intro text guests ?>     <?php elseif ($params->get('show_noauth') == true && $user->get('guest')) : ?>     <?php echo $this->item->introtext; ?>     <?php //optional link let them register see whole article. ?>     <?php if ($params->get('show_readmore') && $this->item->fulltext != null) :         $link1 = jroute::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=login');         $link = new juri($link1);?>     <p class="readmore">         <a href="<?php echo $link; ?>">         <?php $attribs = json_decode($this->item->attribs); ?>         <?php         if ($attribs->alternative_readmore == null) :             echo jtext::_('com_content_register_to_read_more');         elseif ($readmore = $this->item->alternative_readmore) :             echo $readmore;             if ($params->get('show_readmore_title', 0) != 0) :                 echo jhtml::_('string.truncate', ($this->item->title), $params->get('readmore_limit'));             endif;         elseif ($params->get('show_readmore_title', 0) == 0) :             echo jtext::sprintf('com_content_read_more_title');         else :             echo jtext::_('com_content_read_more');             echo jhtml::_('string.truncate', ($this->item->title), $params->get('readmore_limit'));         endif; ?>         </a>     </p>     <?php endif; ?>     <?php endif; ?>     <?php if (!empty($this->item->pagination) && $this->item->pagination && $this->item->paginationposition && $this->item->paginationrelative) :     echo $this->item->pagination; ?>     <?php endif; ?>     <?php echo $this->item->event->afterdisplaycontent; ?> </div>  

update 2

i discovered 1 thing: if article associated menu item (type:category list), alternative layout works. when article associated menu item (type:single article), alternative layout not work. how alternative layout function in both cases?


i create custom menu item type.

more informations here:

and here:


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