regex - VBA multiple matches within one string using regular expressions execute method -
i'm trying match experience levels various positions based on 1. degree 2. years of experience. pattern simple (example: "bs/5" bachelors of science 5 years of experience. have entries follow scheme have multiple degrees , experience levels in same string (example: "bs/5-ms/2") considered equivalent. i've got basic function match , find substring pattern never returns more 1 match though i've set .global property true regexp object. ideas? code below:
on error resume next activeworkbook.vbproject.references.addfromguid "{3f4daca7-160d-11d2-a8e9-00104b365c9f}", 5, 5 dim theregex object dim thestring string set theregex = createobject("vbscript.regexp") regex .multiline = false .global = true .ignorecase = false end theregex.pattern = "([a-z][a-z][a-z]?/[0-9][0-9]?)" thestring = "ms/9-phd/4" set mymatches = theregex.execute(thestring) debug.print "submatches.count: " & mymatches.item(0).submatches.count if mymatches.count <> 0 mymatches mymatchct = 0 .count - 1 debug.print "mymatchct: " & mymatchct submtct = 0 .item(submtct).submatches.count - 1 debug.print "submtct: " & submtct debug.print ("," & .item(mymatchct).submatches.item(submtct)) next next end else debug.print "no matches" end if
try changing line with regex
with theregex .multiline = false .global = true .ignorecase = false end
your on error resume next
statement disguising error.
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