c# - How to Bind column of a table in array and display result one by one on button click event? -
i have created method store column value of questions question table array , wanted display in label 1 one on button click event.
public arraylist binddatatoarray() { arraylist list = new arraylist(); datatable dt = new datatable(); con = new sqlconnection(str); cmd = new sqlcommand("select question questions", con); con.open(); adp = new sqldataadapter(cmd); adp.fill(dt); foreach (datarow dtrow in dt.rows) { list.add(dtrow); } return list; }
try this....
<asp:button id="button1" runat="server" text="button" onclick="button1_click" commandargument="0" />//defination of button on aspx page protected void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e) { arraylist list = new arraylist(); list=binddatatoarray(); int i=( convert.toint32(button1.commandargument)); if (i < list.count) { label1.text = list[i] string; //label in u want show message button1.commandargument = (i + 1).tostring(); } else { label1.text = "end of list"; button1.enabled = false; } } public arraylist binddatatoarray() { arraylist list = new arraylist(); datatable dt = new datatable(); con = new sqlconnection(str); cmd = new sqlcommand("select question questions", con); con.open(); adp = new sqldataadapter(cmd); adp.fill(dt); foreach (datarow dtrow in dt.rows) { list.add(dtrow["question"].tostring()); } return list; }
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