Sql Server Query Performance -- Xml Column Shredding -
the below query taking long time return results. have tried can think of optimize query. there around 10000 rows of xml stored structure , taking around 2.5 minutes return results. have set primary xml index on table, , secondary (property) index on table. have set indexes rebuilt every 7 days.
i have referenced these locations
performance optimizations xml data type
guidelines using xml data type methods
any advice , suggestions appreciated thanks.
sorry code, can take out if uneeded.
i have table:
create table [dbo].[xmltable]( [xmlid] [int] identity(1,1) not null, [xmldocument] [xml] not null, constraint [pk_xmltable] primary key clustered ( [xmlid] asc )with (pad_index = off, statistics_norecompute = off, ignore_dup_key = off, allow_row_locks = on, allow_page_locks = on) on [primary] ) on [primary] textimage_on [primary] go
with property secondary index
set arithabort on set concat_null_yields_null on set quoted_identifier on set ansi_nulls on set ansi_padding on set ansi_warnings on set numeric_roundabort off go create xml index [ixml_xmltable_xmldocument_property] on [dbo].[xmltable] ( [xmldocument] ) using xml index [pxml_xmltable_xmldocument] property (pad_index = off, statistics_norecompute = off, sort_in_tempdb = off, drop_existing = off, online = off, allow_row_locks = on, allow_page_locks = on) go
with primary index
set arithabort on set concat_null_yields_null on set quoted_identifier on set ansi_nulls on set ansi_padding on set ansi_warnings on set numeric_roundabort off go create primary xml index [pxml_xmltable_xmldocument] on [dbo].[xmltable] ( [xmldocument] )with (pad_index = off, statistics_norecompute = off, sort_in_tempdb = off, drop_existing = off, online = off, allow_row_locks = on, allow_page_locks = on) go
with structure this:
<dev:doc xmlns:dev="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema" schemaversion="0.1" settings="testing" title="ordering"> <dev:base revisionnumber="0" baseid="34433" /> <dev:rev time="2013-01-21t15:08:00"> <dev:person name="me" systemid="54654" /> </dev:rev> <dev:functions id="a1"> <dev:a1 number="1"> <dev:codes>d</dev:codes> <dev:required>true</dev:required> <dev:informational>false</dev:informational> <dev:visitors> <dev:visitor name="dev01" location="stlrf"> <dev:divisions> <dev:division number="1" name="tfr3" usage="monitor"> <dev:description>development fundamentals</dev:description> </dev:division> <dev:division number="2" name="def32" usage="monitor"> <dev:description>testing fundamentals</dev:description> </dev:division> <dev:division number="3" name="dep13" usage="none"> <dev:description>guided fundamentals</dev:description> </dev:division> </dev:divisions> </dev:visitor> <dev:visitor name="dev02" location="stlrf"> <dev:divisions> <dev:division number="1" name="tfr3" usage="monitor"> <dev:description>development fundamentals</dev:description> </dev:division> <dev:division number="2" name="def32" usage="monitor"> <dev:description>testing fundamentals</dev:description> </dev:division> <dev:division number="3" name="dep13" usage="none"> <dev:description>guided fundamentals</dev:description> </dev:division> </dev:divisions> </dev:visitor> <dev:visitor name="dev03" location="fgrty"> <dev:divisions> <dev:division number="1" name="tfr3" usage="monitor"> <dev:description>development fundamentals</dev:description> </dev:division> <dev:division number="2" name="def32" usage="monitor"> <dev:description>testing fundamentals</dev:description> </dev:division> <dev:division number="3" name="dep13" usage="none"> <dev:description>guided fundamentals</dev:description> </dev:division> </dev:divisions> </dev:visitor> </dev:visitors> <dev:senders> <dev:sender name="fgy(14a)" /> </dev:senders> </dev:a1> </dev:functions> <dev:functions id="a2"> <dev:a2 number="1"> <dev:codes>c</dev:codes> <dev:required>true</dev:required> <dev:informational>false</dev:informational> <dev:remarks>support</dev:remarks> <dev:notes>ready</dev:notes> <dev:visitors> <dev:visitor name="ghff"> <dev:divisions> <dev:division number="0" name="trial" usage="none"> <dev:fromlocation>lopo</dev:fromlocation> <dev:tolocation>rdss</dev:tolocation> <dev:description>rich filter</dev:description> </dev:division> </dev:divisions> </dev:visitor> </dev:visitors> <dev:senders> <dev:sender name="w33r" /> </dev:senders> <dev:isready>true</dev:isready> <dev:iscall>false</dev:iscall> </dev:a2> <dev:a2 number="2"> <dev:codes>a</dev:codes> <dev:required>true</dev:required> <dev:informational>false</dev:informational> <dev:remarks>loader ready</dev:remarks> <dev:notes>ready</dev:notes> <dev:visitors> <dev:visitor name="udt"> <dev:divisions> <dev:division number="0" name="trial" usage="none"> <dev:fromlocation>tyuj</dev:fromlocation> <dev:tolocation>detf</dev:tolocation> <dev:description>web enhance</dev:description> </dev:division> </dev:divisions> </dev:visitor> </dev:visitors> <dev:senders> <dev:sender name="rj4" /> </dev:senders> <dev:isready>true</dev:isready> <dev:iscall>false</dev:iscall> </dev:a2> </dev:functions> </dev:doc>
and query:
;with xmlnamespaces (default 'http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema' ) select a.value('@revisionnumber[1]', 'int') number, b.value('@id[1]', 'varchar(10)') functionid, c.value('@number[1]', 'int') number, d.value('@name[1]', 'varchar(10)') visitor, d.value('@location[1]', 'varchar(10)') location, e.value('@name[1]', 'nvarchar(10)') sender xmltable x cross apply xmldocument.nodes('doc/base') aa(a) cross apply xmldocument.nodes('doc/functions') bb(b) cross apply b.nodes('*') cc(c) cross apply c.nodes('visitors/visitor') dd(d) cross apply c.nodes('senders/sender') ee(e)
here insert table , testing ran 10000 times
insert xmltable(xmldocument) select * openrowset( bulk 'c:\users\123\desktop\practice.xml', single_blob) x; go 10000
i query, x3 slower query above
;with xmlnamespaces (default 'http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema') select a.value('(base/@revisionnumber)[1]', 'int') revnumber, b.value('@id[1]', 'varchar(10)') functionid, c.value('@number[1]', 'int') number, d.value('@name[1]', 'varchar(10)') visitor, d.value('@location[1]', 'varchar(10)') location, c.value('(senders/sender/@name)[1]', 'varchar(10)') sender xmltable cross apply xmldocument.nodes('doc') aa(a) cross apply a.nodes('functions') bb(b) cross apply b.nodes('*') cc(c) cross apply c.nodes('visitors/visitor') dd(d)
first off looks doing lot of cross applies shredding. can not extend off single cross apply common denominator , value like:
a.value('/(element)/(element)[(expression)].value('(@thing)', '(type)').
my thinking syntax have fine creating heirarchy 5 times differently , cross applying many times. have not done lot of xml shredding know multiple cross applies killer taking 3 dimensional value , populating reference differently 5 times may issue. can extend elements further '/(element)' notation.
i wrong , may fine. if have many cross applies them in temp table dumps first potentially speed up. may able make xml indexes on temp table potentially well. eg:
select a.query('*') #nodea xmltable x cross apply xmldocument.nodes('doc/base') aa(a)
then create xml index if performance still slow go away after temp tables removed. not sure on xml indexes though have not done them muct. know can drop , create regular indexes on temp tables assume can xml indexes.
keep in mind can mix 'query' syntax 'value' syntax when shredding xml beneficial finding tree structure , populating results. when shredding xml in ssrs report server similar this:
use reportserver go ( select c.name reportname , cast(sub.extensionsettings xml) xml , sub.modifieddate subscriptionmodifieddate , sub.description , sub.lastruntime dbo.reportschedule rs (nolock) join dbo.schedule s (nolock) on rs.scheduleid = s.scheduleid join dbo.subscriptions sub (nolock) on rs.subscriptionid = sub.subscriptionid join dbo.catalog c (nolock) on rs.reportid = c.itemid ) select a.reportname , a.subscriptionmodifieddate , a.description , t.query('/parametervalues/parametervalue[* = "subject"]/value').value('.', 'varchar(max)') subject cross apply a.xml.nodes('//parametervalues') n(t)
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