java - jdbc postgresql transaction error occurred -
public class jdbc { static connection con; static statement stmt; public static void main(string argv[]){ connect(); con.setautocommit(false); // statement s= conn.createstatement(); con.settransactionisolation(connection.transaction_serializable); //set savepoint system.out.println("savepoint1"); string sql = "insert flight values (1000, '22/7/2013', 'lgw', 'man', 10,40)"; stmt.executeupdate(sql); savepoint savepoint1 = conn.setsavepoint("savepoint1"); string sql2 = "update flight set flightid = 500 flightid = 1000"; stmt.executeupdate(sql2); con.rollback(savepoint1); con.commit(); system.out.println("end"); } static void connect() throws sqlexception, classnotfoundexception, datasourceexception { try { // load database driver driver class.forname(datasource.getclassname()); // connect database given url given username , // password connection con = drivermanager.getconnection(datasource.geturl(), datasource.getusername(), datasource.getpassword()); // create sql statement object stmt = con.createstatement(); } catch (sqlexception se) { con = null; stmt = null; throw (se); } } } }
hello, im trying understand how use savepoint. every time run came out null pointer exception said error occur in con.setautocommit(false);
any suggestion appreciate....
most likely, have not initialized connection con
variable. not showing part of code, cannot more.
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