c# - Object reference not set to an instance of an object (int) -
this error keeps popping , can't seem figure out it's coming from.
if (!ispostback) { datatable localcart = new datatable(); localcart = (datatable)session["cart"]; int localcartitemcount = (int) session["cartitemcount"]; decimal localcartamount = (decimal)session["cartamount"]; if (localcart.rows.count == 0) { titlelabel.text = "your shopping cart empty!"; gridcart.visible = false; updatebutton.enabled = false; checkoutbutton.enabled = false; totalamountlabel.text = string.format("{0:c}", 0); } else { gridcart.datasource = localcart; gridcart.databind(); titlelabel.text = "these products in shopping cart:"; gridcart.visible = true; updatebutton.enabled = true; checkoutbutton.enabled = true; totalamountlabel.text = string.format("{0:c}", localcartamount); }
it's saying error here -> int localcartitemcount = (int) session["cartitemcount"];
you not checking see if key "cartitemcount"
exists in session. if not exist, result of session["cartitemcount"]
return null , create error when trying cast null (int)
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