configuration - How to access configs from autoloaded config files in a layout / view script in Zend Framework 2? -
i / have manage settings in zf1 style , provide view infomation current environment.
return array( ... 'module_listener_options' => array( ... 'config_glob_paths' => array('config/autoload/{,*.}{global,local}.php') ) );
return array( // allowed values: development, staging, live 'environment' => 'development' );
in common view script can on controller, since controllers have access service manager , configs need:
class mycontroller extends abstractactioncontroller { public function myaction() { return new viewmodel(array( 'currentenvironment' => $this->getservicelocator()->get('config')['environment'], )); } }
is possible configs in common view directly?
how can access configs in layout view script (/module/application/view/layout/layout.phtml
(my implementation/interpretation of) crisp's suggestion:
config view helper
<?php namespace mynamespace\view\helper; use zend\view\helper\abstracthelper; use zend\view\helperpluginmanager servicemanager; class config extends abstracthelper { protected $servicemanager; public function __construct(servicemanager $servicemanager) { $this->servicemanager = $servicemanager; } public function __invoke() { $config = $this->servicemanager->getservicelocator()->get('config'); return $config; } }
application module
public function getviewhelperconfig() { return array( 'factories' => array( 'config' => function($servicemanager) { $helper = new \mynamespace\view\helper\config($servicemanager); return $helper; }, ) ); }
layout view script
// whatever want $this->config()['environment'], e.g. <?php if ($this->config()['environment'] == 'live') { echo $this->partial('partials/partial-foo.phtml');; } ?>
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