wallpaper - android:settingsActivity - how to get non-standard behavior -

i have made live wallpaper, has many complex settings. looking @ various examples on web appears standard way set preferences in wallpaper have xml this:

<wallpaper xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"     android:thumbnail="@drawable/my_icon"     android:description="@string/wallpaper_description"      android:settingsactivity="com.mycompany.mywallpaper.mywallpapersettings" /> 

where mywallpapersettings class defined this:

public class mywallpapersettings extends preferenceactivity implements sharedpreferences.onsharedpreferencechangelistener 


@override protected void oncreate(bundle blah)  {     super.oncreate(blah);     getpreferencemanager().setsharedpreferencesname(mywallpaper.shared_prefs_name);     addpreferencesfromresource(r.xml.my_settings);     getpreferencemanager().getsharedpreferences().registeronsharedpreferencechangelistener(this); } 

this works advertised, appears rather crude. have noticed , feel of wallpaper's settings far more sophisticated, or nothing standard settings screens @ all, have dialog pops up, buttons on links websites. wondering how can achieve this. having fancier xml in my_settings.xml or perhaps android:settingsactivity=.. points isn't preferenceactivity, rather normal activity? or maybe code within oncreate needs different - i'm not sure should deviating examples.

looking @ developer.android.com says "this base class activity show hierarchy of preferences user." - sounds i'm restricted narrow range of things can do... that's why i'm torn between attempting push limits of can done inside preferenceactivity , making android:settingsactivity= point isn't preferenceactivity @ (if that's allowed).

according this don't need have preferenceactivity, activity do.

preferenceactivity easy way have settings screen, if don't want use can create own.


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