Convert C++ to C Using C++ in C -

i seem having problem. i'm trying c++ function used in c code.

i tried these methods

if need rid of class altogether ,but don't want lose download feed console.

here code works in c++ not in c.

#include <tchar.h> #include <urlmon.h> #pragma comment(lib,"urlmon.lib") #include <stdio.h>  class mycallback : public ibindstatuscallback { public:     mycallback() {}      ~mycallback() { }      // 1 called urldownloadtofile     stdmethod(onprogress)(/* [in] */ ulong ulprogress, /* [in] */ ulong ulprogressmax, /* [in] */ ulong ulstatuscode, /* [in] */ lpcwstr wszstatustext)     {         printf("downloaded %i of %i byte(s) status code = %i\n",ulprogress, ulprogressmax, ulstatuscode);         return s_ok;     }      // rest  don't anything...     stdmethod(onstartbinding)(/* [in] */ dword dwreserved, /* [in] */ ibinding __rpc_far *pib)     { return e_notimpl; }      stdmethod(getpriority)(/* [out] */ long __rpc_far *pnpriority)     { return e_notimpl; }      stdmethod(onlowresource)(/* [in] */ dword reserved)     { return e_notimpl; }      stdmethod(onstopbinding)(/* [in] */ hresult hresult, /* [unique][in] */ lpcwstr szerror)     { return e_notimpl; }      stdmethod(getbindinfo)(/* [out] */ dword __rpc_far *grfbindf, /* [unique][out][in] */ bindinfo __rpc_far *pbindinfo)     { return e_notimpl; }      stdmethod(ondataavailable)(/* [in] */ dword grfbscf, /* [in] */ dword dwsize, /* [in] */ formatetc __rpc_far *pformatetc, /* [in] */ stgmedium __rpc_far *pstgmed)     { return e_notimpl; }      stdmethod(onobjectavailable)(/* [in] */ refiid riid, /* [iid_is][in] */ iunknown __rpc_far *punk)     { return e_notimpl; }      // iunknown stuff     stdmethod_(ulong,addref)()     { return 0; }      stdmethod_(ulong,release)()     { return 0; }      stdmethod(queryinterface)(/* [in] */ refiid riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ void __rpc_far *__rpc_far *ppvobject)     { return e_notimpl; } };  int main() {     mycallback pcallback;     hresult url = urldownloadtofile(null,_t(""),_t("c:\\jka\\"),0,&pcallback);      if(url == s_ok)     {         printf("successful!");         getchar();     }      else if(url == e_outofmemory)     {         printf("not enough memory!");     }      else if (url == inet_e_download_failure)     {         printf("error: inet invalid resource");     }     return 0; } 

when running in c code gives error

1>------ build started: project: downloader++, configuration: debug win32 ------ 2012\projects\downloader++\downloader++\main.c(101): error c2061: syntax error : identifier 'mycallback' 2012\projects\downloader++\downloader++\main.c(101): error c2059: syntax error : ';' 2012\projects\downloader++\downloader++\main.c(101): error c2059: syntax error : ':' 2012\projects\downloader++\downloader++\main.c(150): error c2065: 'mycallback' : undeclared identifier 2012\projects\downloader++\downloader++\main.c(150): error c2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'pcallback' 2012\projects\downloader++\downloader++\main.c(150): error c2065: 'pcallback' : undeclared identifier 1> studio 2012\projects\downloader++\downloader++\main.c(151): error c2275: 'hresult' : illegal use of type expression 1>
c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.0\include\um\winnt.h(556) : see declaration of 'hresult' 2012\projects\downloader++\downloader++\main.c(151): error c2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'url' 1>c:\users\gamer\documents\visual studio 2012\projects\downloader++\downloader++\main.c(151): error c2065: 'url' : undeclared identifier 1>c:\users\gamer\documents\visual studio 2012\projects\downloader++\downloader++\main.c(151): error c2065: 'pcallback' : undeclared identifier 2012\projects\downloader++\downloader++\main.c(151): warning c4133: 'function' : incompatible types - 'int *' 'lpbindstatuscallback' 2012\projects\downloader++\downloader++\main.c(153): error c2065: 'url' : undeclared identifier 2012\projects\downloader++\downloader++\main.c(159): error c2065: 'url' : undeclared identifier 2012\projects\downloader++\downloader++\main.c(164): error c2065: 'url' : undeclared identifier 1> generating code... ========== build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

thank :)

a common technique write wrapper functions, pointer class instance treated void* when passed c. then, expose function say:

extern "c" myclass_onprogress(/* [in] */ void* instance, /* [in] */ ulong ulprogress, /* [in] */ ulong ulprogressmax, /* [in] */ ulong ulstatuscode, /* [in] */ lpcwstr wszstatustext) {     myclass* _this = static_cast<myclass*>(instance);     _this->onprogress(ulprogess, ulprogressmax, ulstatuscode, wszstatustext); } 

note: above missing return type because i've no idea stdmethod macro declares return value.

also, drop hungarian notation. it's annoying , has fallen out of favor. microsoft recommends against using in new code.


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