search - jqGrid filtertoolbar not firing after grid resizing -
i have fixed row numbers 10 subgrids, if reccount less 10 want adjust height subgrid "auto" or "100%".
so here code subgrid :
// subgrid fourth level var subgrid_table_id = subgrid_id+"_d", pager_id = "p_"+subgrid_table_id; $("#"+subgrid_id).append("<table id='"+subgrid_table_id+"' class='scroll'></table><div id='"+pager_id+"' class='scroll'></div>"); $("#"+subgrid_table_id).jqgrid({ url:"sg31b.php?id="+row_id+"&clt="+clt, datatype: "json", idprefix:"sgd_", colnames: ['id','article','désignation','marque','equivalence'], colmodel: [ {name:'',index:'',hidden:true}, {name:'a.code',index:'a.code', width:100}, {name:'a.descr',index:'a.descr', width:450}, {name:'k.code',index:'k.code', width:80}, {name:'e.equiv',index:'e.equiv',width:100} ], pager: pager_id, sortname: 'a.code', hiddengrid:true, scroll:true, height:230, rownum:10, autowidth:true, caption:'4 - equivalence articles', gridcomplete:function(){ sortdatacol(this); if($("#"+subgrid_id+"_d").jqgrid('getgridparam','records') < $("#"+subgrid_id+"_d").jqgrid('getgridparam','rownum')){ $("#"+subgrid_id+"_d").jqgrid('setgridheight','100%'); }else{ $("#"+subgrid_id+"_d").jqgrid('setgridparam',[{npage:1}]).jqgrid('setgridheight',230); } } }); $("#"+subgrid_table_id).jqgrid('navgrid',"#"+pager_id,{search:false,add:false,edit:false,del:false}); $("#"+subgrid_table_id).jqgrid('filtertoolbar',{stringresult: true,searchonenter : false}); fullinputcss();
and snapshot of result less 10 filtered rows :
now if press backspace in search field obtain more rows, seems search doesn't fire because firebug doesn't show trace of request :
if delete added 'setgridheight' lines in gridcomplete, runs fine ! think 1 more time i'm wrong in coding , understanding how jqgrid runs. please give me way solve trouble ? many in advance. have nice day. jihel
i suppose origin of problem id duplicates on page. wrote the answer on question described problem detailed.
current implementation of jqgrid (version 4.4.5) has problem in code of filtertoolbar
constructs id
input fields of filter toolbar based on following rule:
id="gs_" +
(see the line of code). means id of input field column a.code
for every subgrid use. can have id duplicates.
so recommend redesign naming concept in code. can use example
name: row_id + "a_code", index: "a.code"
in way value "a.code"
still send during sorting of grid, have no id duplicates. in scenarios (is use repeatitems: false
in jsonreader
) need use additional jsonmap
attribute, don't need in current code.
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