grails - BootStrap.groovy content doesn't update the content -

i'm new grails , study via infoq's "getting started grails" book. running through i've faced problem bootstrap.groovy file:

  1. i've edited book says.
  2. run-app - , data i've entered bootstrap.groovy has been shown.
  3. i've updated bootstrapping values not changed. no errors shown in console.

what i've tried:

  • exchanging def's places;
  • set runner's class value nullables;
  • changed .save(failonerror:true) .save(flush:true).

even after i've changed race class' bootstrapping values looks hasn't been changed.

looks value taken somewhere else bootstrap.groovy?

i use grails 2.2.1 postgresql db. classes' code below:

package racetrack  class runner {     static constraints = {         firstname(blank:false)         lastname(blank:false)         dateofbirth(nullable:true)         gender(inlist:["m","f"])         address(nullable:true)         city(nullable:true)         state(nullable:true)         zipcode(nullable:true)         email(email:true)     }      static hasmany = [registrations:registration]      /*static mapping = {         sort "email"     }*/      string firstname     string lastname     date dateofbirth     string gender     string address     string city     string state     string zipcode     string email      string tostring(){         "${firstname} ${lastname} (${email})"     } } 


package racetrack  class bootstrap {     def init = { servletcontext ->         def begun = new runner(firstname:"marathon",             lastname:"runner",             dateofbirth:"",             gender:"m",             address:"",         city:"",             state:"",             zipcode:"",             email:""             )          def zabeg = new race(name:"run spb",             startdate:new date() + 360*30,             city:"moscow",             state:"moscow",             cost:10.0,             distance:42.0,             maxrunners:10)     }      def destroy = {     } } 

edit: happening due generate-* scripts been run?


package racetrack  class race {     static hasmany = [registrations:registration]      string name     date startdate     string city     string state     bigdecimal distance     bigdecimal cost     integer maxrunners      static constraints = {         name(blank:false, maxsize:50)         startdate(validator: {                 return (it >= new date())             }         )         city()         state(inlist:["moscow", "volgograd", "spb", "nn"])         distance(min:0.0)         cost(min:0.0, max:100.0)         maxrunners(min:0, max:100000)     }      static mapping = {         sort "startdate"     }      bigdecimal inmiles(){         return distance*0.6214     }      string tostring(){         return "${name}, ${startdate.format('mm/dd/yyyy')}"     } } 

bootstrap should in grails-app/conf instead. refer this.


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