python - Stacking Arrays in pylab using vstack -
i have following code stack arrays , solve system of equations:
1 import numpy np 2 numpy.linalg import solve 3 xi = np.array([-1., 1., -2]) 4 yi = np.array([0., 4., 3.]) 5 = np.vstack([np.ones(3), xi, xi**2]).t 6 b = yi 7 c = solve(a,b)
then after have code execute graph, error on line 5. says:
typeerror: 'function' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
how can fix this?
it looks you've got brackets confused. code printed above has mismatched brackets @ line 5: ([...)]
gives syntaxerror. i'd guess version used [(...)]
gives error report. problem you're trying call function using square brackets, when python syntax requires round ones. try putting brackets other way round: ([...])
code runs fine on system.
edit: question edited while typed this, ignore first 2 sentences. still suspect ordering of brackets wrong in code run.
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