java - Android DroidDao Database Manager: My code or theirs? -
i using droiddao in android app persistent sqlite database.
i have connection table:
part_id gps_id sand_id
i having issues 2 functions in library:
/**get object clause*/ public t getbyclause(string clause, string[] clauseargs) { t object = null; cursor cursor = database.query(gettablename(), getarraycolumns(), clause, clauseargs, null, null, "1"); if(cursor.movetofirst()){ try { object = builddatafromcursor(cursor); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } if(! cursor.isclosed()){ cursor.close(); } return object; }
/**list items clause*/ public list<t> getallbyclause(string clause, string[] clauseargs, string groupby, string having, string orderby) { list<t> objectlist = new arraylist<t>(); cursor cursor = database.query(gettablename(), getarraycolumns(), clause, clauseargs, groupby, having, orderby); if(cursor.movetofirst()){ try { do{ t object = builddatafromcursor(cursor); if(object != null){ objectlist.add(object); } } while(cursor.movetonext()); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } if(! cursor.isclosed()){ cursor.close(); } return objectlist; }
i use them both so:
connection connection = myapp.getdatamanager().getconnectiondao().getbyclause("part_id = ?", new string[]{"44"}); list<connection> connections = myapp.getdatamanager().getconnectiondao().getallbyclause("part_id = ?", new string[]{"44"}, null, null, null);
both of these functions return 0's part_id, gps_id, , sand_id. when insert id incorrect, function should return null, still return object zeros.
any ideas?
alright, figured out tracing code.
i thought: builddatafromcursor(cursor); function android database import method issue didn't have setters in connection object builddatafromcursor(cursor); loads data object using setters.
your setter need have follow structure:
column name: part_id setter: void setpart_id(int value)...
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