iphone - How to get session login information to my UIWebView by FacebookSDK -

after logging in facebook facebooksdk, , want display page using uiwebview. displayed correctly when login first time. close , restart app, though facebook session still open, can't login session uiwebview.

do have suggestions that, when re-run app, facebook session information?

this code example.

@interface fblogin2viewcontroller ()  @end  @implementation fblogin2viewcontroller  - (void)viewdidload {     [super viewdidload]; // additional setup after loading view, typically nib.      if (fbsession.activesession.state == fbsessionstatecreatedtokenloaded) {         // to-do, show logged in view          nsstring *appid = [fbsession defaultappid];          nslog(@"session token exists %@", appid);     } }  - (void)didreceivememorywarning {     [super didreceivememorywarning];     // dispose of resources can recreated. }  - (ibaction)onlogin:(id)sender {      nsarray *permissions = nil;      if (![fbsession activesession]) {         fbsession *session = [[fbsession alloc] initwithappid:@"000000000000" permissions:permissions defaultaudience:fbsessiondefaultaudienceeveryone urlschemesuffix:@"fb" tokencachestrategy:nil];          [fbsession setactivesession:session];     }     else if( [fbsession activesession].isopen )     {         [[fbsession activesession] closeandcleartokeninformation];         fbsession.activesession = nil;     }      [[fbsession activesession] openwithbehavior:fbsessionloginbehaviorforcingwebview                               completionhandler:^(fbsession *session, fbsessionstate state, nserror *error) {                                           [self sessionstatechanged:session state:state error:error];                                       }];  }  - (ibaction)onlogout:(id)sender {      [fbsession.activesession closeandcleartokeninformation];     fbsession.activesession = nil; }  - (ibaction)ongoweb:(id)sender {     nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"http://www.facebook.com/xxxxx?fref=xx"];     nsurlrequest *request = [nsurlrequest requestwithurl:url];     [_webview loadrequest:request];     _webview.delegate = self; }   - (void)sessionstatechanged:(fbsession *)session                       state:(fbsessionstate) state                       error:(nserror *)error {     switch (state) {         case fbsessionstateopen: {          }             break;         case fbsessionstateclosed:         case fbsessionstateclosedloginfailed:             // once user has logged in, want them             // looking @ root view.               break;         default:             break;     }      if (error) {         uialertview *alertview = [[uialertview alloc]                                   initwithtitle:@"error"                                   message:error.localizeddescription                                   delegate:nil                                   cancelbuttontitle:@"ok"                                   otherbuttontitles:nil];        [alertview show];     }     }      @end 

1)call openfbsessionifavaliable in didfinishlaunchingwithoptions method

//in appdelegate      - (bool)application:(uiapplication *)application didfinishlaunchingwithoptions:(nsdictionary *)launchoptions         {             [self openfbsessionifavaliable];         }  //in appdelegate     - (bool)application:(uiapplication *)application                 openurl:(nsurl *)url       sourceapplication:(nsstring *)sourceapplication              annotation:(id)annotation {         // attempt extract token url         return [[fbsession activesession] handleopenurl:url];     } //in appdelegate     - (void)applicationdidbecomeactive:(uiapplication *)application     {         // restart tasks paused (or not yet started) while application inactive. if application in background, optionally refresh user interface.         [[fbsession activesession] handledidbecomeactive];     }  //in appdelegate     - (void)applicationwillterminate:(uiapplication *)application     {         // called when application terminate. save data if appropriate. see applicationdidenterbackground:.         [[fbsession activesession] close];     }  -(void)openfbsessionifavaliable {     [fbsession setactivesession:[fbsession new]];     if ([fbsession activesession].state == fbsessionstatecreatedtokenloaded)     {         [self openfbsessionwithallowloginui:no];     } }  - (bool)openfbsessionwithallowloginui:(bool)allowloginui {     nsarray *permissions = [[nsarray alloc] initwithobjects:                             @"email",nil];     return [fbsession openactivesessionwithreadpermissions:permissions                                               allowloginui:allowloginui                                          completionhandler:^(fbsession *session,                                                              fbsessionstate state,                                                              nserror *error)             {                  [self sessionstatechanged:session                                     state:state                                     error:error];             }]; }  - (void)sessionstatechanged:(fbsession *)session                       state:(fbsessionstate) state                       error:(nserror *)error {     switch (state)     {         case fbsessionstateopen:             if (!error)             {                 nsstring  *_facebooktoken = [[fbsession activesession] accesstoken];                 nsstring  *_facebookemail = [user objectforkey:@"email"];             }             break;         case fbsessionstateclosed:         case fbsessionstateclosedloginfailed:             [fbsession.activesession closeandcleartokeninformation];             break;         default:             break;     }      if (error)     {         [fbsession.activesession closeandcleartokeninformation];         /*uialertview *alertview = [[uialertview alloc]          initwithtitle:@"error"          message:@"please try again"          delegate:nil          cancelbuttontitle:@"ok"          otherbuttontitles:nil];          [alertview show];*/      }  } 

2) on button click of "login via facebook" call below method

[self openfbsessionwithallowloginui:yes]; 

3) every time when launch app, check facebook session, if found proceed further otherwise show button "login via facebook".session

i hope solve problem.


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