ssl - How to achieve some measure of "privilege separation" with Java web-server? -

i'm trying proactive around security on jetty web-server boxes -- especial regards storing ssl key information although i'd generic solution. apache uses privilege separation starts root can read protected ssl key files (and other secure configuration) , switches common user server http requests. java has no mechanism doing this.

any recommendations around how achieve same level of security in java web application? requires include:

  • secret information should readable root.

  • any passwords unlock keys , should not configured code same user level permissions server can't them easily.

  • i'm running under amazon ec2 want security automatic possible -- i.e. no interactive password entering operators.

one possibility use ~ldap separate secret information application , bake ldap access username/password application. i'm looking better solution.

thanks information.


i'd hoped solutions covered ssl took account other secrets wanted limit access to. did not make clear enough in initial post.

the apache technique described provided optional jetty-setuid features.



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