https - Connecting to dropbox via python over a proxy -

i trying connect dropbox account python 2.7.4 (x64 win7) , guide here helped me lot. when behind proxy , code won't it. (from home code works great, not behind proxy)

i tried fiddle urllib2 , httplib used in dropbox/ had no luck. know have change connection code not sure how socket.

dropbox/ [line:99]

def create_connection(address):     host, port = address     err = none     res in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, socket.sock_stream):         af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res         sock = none         try:             sock = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto)             sock.connect(sa)             return sock          except socket.error, _:             err = _             if sock not none:                 sock.close()      if err not none:         raise err     else:         raise socket.error("getaddrinfo returns empty list") 

i error: [errno 10060] socketerror. don't know lot networks , ports know can connect proxy on port 3128 , dropbox waits on 433. matter had trouble connecting https://-adress. found code:

proxyhost = '' proxyport = 3128 conn = httplib.httpconnection(proxyhost, proxyport) conn.request("post", "") 

which works lack skills adapt socket connection. confusing give proxyadress connection , have write request in header or somewhere, compared way, can give final-adress connection.

this when read socks python , tried them not replace socket code new "socksocket" proxy can set with:

import socks socks.setdefaultproxy(socks.proxy_type_socks5,"") socket.socket = socks.socksocket urllib.urlopen("") 

any help, how change create_connection func of work proxy highly appreciated.

i ran issue myself , in searching solution came across post.

i've managed resolve minor modification dropbox/ code.

in restclientobject class's init method change:

   self.pool_manager = urllib3.poolmanager(         num_pools=4, # handful of hosts.,         maxsize=max_reusable_connections,         block=false,         timeout=60.0, # long enough datastores await doesn't interrupted         cert_reqs=ssl.cert_required,         ca_certs=trusted_cert_file,         ssl_version=ssl.protocol_tlsv1,     ) 


    self.pool_manager = urllib3.proxymanager(         num_pools=4, # handful of hosts.,         maxsize=max_reusable_connections,         block=false,         timeout=60.0, # long enough datastores await doesn't interrupted         cert_reqs=ssl.cert_required,         ca_certs=trusted_cert_file,         ssl_version=ssl.protocol_tlsv1,         proxy_url ='',     ) 

note change use proxymanager rather poolmanager , addition of proxy_url.

there ways authenticate against proxy, haven't explored those. work if you've authenticated via internet explorer or similar.

hope helps someone.


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