cocoa - Mac OSX - Core Animation - how to animate something which is following my cursor? -

so far have seen core animation has code looks this, parameters of animate set in beginning.

- (void) starttopleftimageviewanimation{ /* start top left corner */  [self.xcodeimageview1 setframe:cgrectmake(0.0f,0.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f)]; [self.xcodeimageview1 setalpha:1.0f]; [uiview beginanimations:@"xcodeimageview1animation" context:(__bridge void *)self.xcodeimageview1]; /* 3 seconds animation */ [uiview setanimationduration:3.0f]; /* receive animation delegates */ [uiview setanimationdelegate:self]; [uiview setanimationdidstopselector: @selector(imageviewdidstop:finished:context:)]; /* end @ bottom right corner */ [self.xcodeimageview1 setframe:cgrectmake(220.0f, 350.0f, 100.0f, [self.xcodeimageview1 setalpha:0.0f]; [uiview commitanimations];  } 

however, make animation in graphic follows mouse cursor. means animation receiving mouse-pointer x-y values.

is there better alternative doing "manual" animation this, , calling drawrect whenever shift position of mouse? can use core animation this?

- (void)drawrect:(nsrect)rect {     // drawing code here.     [[nscolor whitecolor] set];     nsrectfill( rect );      [self drawcircleatpoint:_circlept]; }  - (void) drawcircleatpoint:(cgpoint) point {      nsbezierpath* thepath = [nsbezierpath bezierpath];     nsrect nrect = nsmakerect(point.x, point.y, 50, 50);     [thepath appendbezierpathwithovalinrect:nrect];     [[nscolor blackcolor] set];     [thepath stroke]; } 

thanks regarding this.

first need point mouse cursor pointing to. method have implement is

- (void)mousemoved:(nsevent *)theevent 

nsevent has method called

- (nspoint)locationinwindow 

which gives you, might guessed, position of cursor in window.

now have find location within view. done nsview method

- (nspoint)convertpoint:(nspoint)apoint fromview:(nsview *)aview 

where point comes locationinwindow , view view in want perform animation


cgpoint mousepoint = [[[self window] contentview] convertpoint:[theevent locationinwindow] fromview:self]; 

then can either set position via views frame or can use position property of views layer.


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