c# - Saving data to MSSQL Db using XML -

i have created asp.net c# mvc application. need insert records in database, , following code works fine. want save records in db using xml.

i found example in tutorial, unable modify code send data mssql via xml.

                using (sqlcommand c = new sqlcommand("insert ppl  (name, age) values (@name,@age)", c)){                 c.open();                 c.executenonquery();} 

can me here ?

** tutorial http://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/2118/scripts-to-use-xml-to-insert-and-update-rows-in-a-sql-server-table/


i created sp

create procedure insert_ppl  @name nchar(200), @age nchar(3),   insert ppl(name,age)  values (@name,@age) 

now suppose use exec sp_xml_preparedocument @hdoc output, @xmldata add line (according tutorial), no clue how edit works in program.

this have done.

i think approach serialize classes xml , pass them sql. server part, path begin be:

    create table books (bookid int identity, title varchar(50), rating int);      create table chapters (bookid int, title varchar(50), sequence int);      go      create procedure addbook         @book xml         begin          insert books (title, rating)         select             n.value('@title', 'varchar(50)'),             n.value('@rating', 'int')                     @book.nodes('/book') x(n);          declare @bookid int;         set @bookid = scope_identity();          insert chapters (bookid, title, sequence)         select             @bookid,             n.value('@title', 'varchar(50)'),             n.value('@sequence', 'int')                     @book.nodes('/book/chapters/chapter') x(n);      end;      go      declare @data xml;     set @data = '     <book title="new book" rating="9">         <chapters>             <chapter title="chapter 1" sequence="1" />             <chapter title="chapter 2" sequence="2" />             <chapter title="chapter 3" sequence="3" />         </chapters>     </book>'      exec addbook @data;      select * books;     select * chapters; 


    bookid      title                                              rating     ----------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------     1           new book                                           9      (1 row(s) affected)      bookid      title                                              sequence     ----------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------     1           chapter 1                                          1     1           chapter 2                                          2     1           chapter 3                                          3      (3 row(s) affected) 

and don't forget pack procedure statements in transaction.


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