leaflet - MarkerCluster LeafletJS plugin TypeScript definition file creation -
i using leafletjs map out floor plans. learned little typescript @ devintersection , wanted start converting of js use it. luckily created definition file leaflet, 1 of plugins use doesn't have 1 (markercluster).
i have plugin point compiles (after small additions leaflet definition file) when try use don't see of methods (see usage example below). tried creating definition file created empty (using tsc --declaration). since definition file leaflet , plugin bit long uploaded them:
leaflet.d.ts , leaflet.markercluster.ts
/// <reference path="typings/jquery/jquery.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="typings/jqueryui/jqueryui.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="typings/leaflet/leaflet.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="typings/leaflet.markercluster.ts" /> module floorplans { export class floor { deskmarkers : l.markerclustergroup; // <-- compile error peoplemarkers: l.markerclustergroup; // <-- compile error tilelayer: l.tilelayer; desks = new object(); people = new object(); constructor(public floorname: string, public floorid: number) { } } }
the property 'markerclustergroup' not exist on value of type 'l'
any ideas or guidance on go here?
there lot of different conventions creating "classes" in javascript, , typescript doesn't know of them. have in leaflet.markercluster.ts legal javascript , therefore legal typescript, it's not broken classes typescript understands them , that's why declaration file generated empty.
except in rare cases declaration files created hand, , that's you're going have here. start off this:
/// <reference path="leaflet.d.ts" /> declare module l { export class markerclustergroup extends featuregroup { initialize(options: any): void; addlayer(layer:ilayer):markerclustergroup; addlayer(layer:layergroup):markerclustergroup; // , on , forth } }
i've had create couple declaration files myself , after short learning curve it's not hard. found this blog post super helpful getting started (props steve if you're reading this) , learning example on definitelytyped.
once you're happy declaration file remember contribute definitelytyped warm fuzzy feelings.
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